A Call To Holiness

July through December 1997 Messages to Lena Shipley

July 2, 1997            WEDNESDAY CENACLE 

My little messenger, 

I am with you as you pray.  I stand as your fortress, your Protectress, your consoling Mother.  Even as the winds of change blow over your landscape, I invite you to remain unchanging in your resolve to defend the Gospel, live My messages and love your enemies unconditionally. 

I gather all My cenacles from the four corners of the world to unite and form one mind and heart as we wait together in joyful hope for the coming of Jesus in glory. 

The Church knows its' hour of persecution; but when the great Unifier, the Holy Spirit, comes; it will know its' moment of triumph over its enemies. 

Shall your Mother abandon Her own in the hour of travail?  No!  The Mother stands with Her own riding the waves of pain, dispensing torrents of graces from the Mighty God. 

Stand firm!  Continue to defend the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, bringing them into fulfillment  in your own lives by abandoning yourselves to love. 

Encourage my cenacle with this message, daughter

July 16, 1997         Wednesday Cenacle 

Vision:  I saw two angels unrolling a large parchment scroll.  (The scroll symbolized a proclamation - Our Lady's proclamation to the world through Her apparitions and messages.) I saw a large area - like a cemetery - where people were rising up as out of a deep sleep. (This symbolized the world awakening to God's call through His Mother.) 

Our Lady said: 

My Beloved Cenacle,
Blessed are you, My cenacle, for it has been your ears that have been chosen to hear God's proclamation to the world.  It has been your heart that has been chosen to open to it and it has been your voice chosen to proclaim it.  For I have been sent into the world by God to awaken it.  You, My Beloved Cenacle, have awakened to it through the gentle prompting of the Holy Spirit.  Now, the whole world shall awaken to it - not by the whisperings of the Merciful God; but through the mighty thunderclap of the Just God! 

The times are upon you when all that has been revealed in secret shall be proclaimed in the light.  The time is now for the fulfillment of God's Plan.  I have come and formed an army of souls who have been the last resuscitating life breath for the Church before the Second Coming of the Holy Spirit, the new Breath for the Church.  You, my cenacle, have been morsels of food for a starving generation - paving the way for the coming of your Bread of Life who is already among you as your Food and who is yet to come in glory.  I call you to stand firm as a fortress around the Church taking for it the last vicious blows of the enemy. 

Do not stand in fear for I stand with you always.  I wait with you, protecting and guiding you until the great day of victory.  Peace. 

7-30-97 Wednesday Cenacle 

My Cenacle, 
You are in the field of battle.  Just as one battle eases, another surfaces.  You must keep your conscience alert to these attacks.  I am with you to help you stay alert and centered on the God who loves you and always forgives a repentant heart. 

When you leave the heavenly garden of My Immaculate Heart, with its' sweet fruit of prayer, atonement and the fragrant aroma of love and peace - you fall prey to the ploys of the enemy. 

O, my little cenacle, if you only knew how many there are who are not aware that there is an enemy who lurks above and behind, surrounding them - hemming them in from all sides! Such as these believe the only enemy are those who disagree with their opinions.  The real enemy will surround you with philosophies and pleasures of the world.  He will lure and attract you; will dull your perceptions of the gospel truths.  He seeks to utterly destroy that which God has raised up.  In so many hearts, he is not recognized and achieves his destructive designs. 

Stay with me, my cenacle.  I am your Mother whose mission it is to guide, protect and defend all who have heard my call.  I lead you to the promised land of the New Jerusalem, a new time of milk and honey - the plentitude of God - His Kingdom come upon this parched earth. 

When you have succumbed to temptation on the battlefield, pick yourselves up.  Reach out for my hand and repent. It is human pride that falls away with each blow, not the love of God, which endures and strengthens you for the remainder of the journey. 

Human opinions - let them fall away.  Stay focused on the loving and forgiving eyes of God, who alone searches and probes hearts.  Rise above the world, move forward.  We have much work to do for souls.  Peace. 

8-6-97         Wednesday Cenacle 

My Dear Cenacle, 

Tonight I come to be with you to pray for souls who have lost the Faith.  Seeds of faith - precious pearls of great worth -  are being carelessly lost.  Pearls being thrown into the sea! 

My children, if you possessed an abundance of the world's treasures, would you act carelessly with it?  Would you invite marauders and thieves into your home where your precious gems are carelessly tossed about?  No, the prudent owner would never act in such ways! 

Yet, that is what so many do with heavenly treasures.  So many of God's gifts are carelessly squandered through indifference, misuse and compromise.  Secular humanism, materialism and the like have been the thieves and have successfully snatched the life giving seeds of Faith from hearts. 

The light of the true faith has been extinguished from so many hearts that a dense darkness now permeates the whole world.  I have come to rekindle the true faith in hearts around the world.  Soon, the circle of light that it has been my great joy to ignite will overcome the present darkness. 

I call upon you to be lights of faith in your midst.  Your faith is your joy, my cenacle.  Let your faith be your love. Your faith is about the Personhood and the Divinity of Jesus who leads you to your Creator-Father.  Therefore, your faith is your sustenance, your life-breath.  Your faith brings you to perfection through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Your faith is your life!  Your life here on earth is a journey in faith. 

My children, pray for those who have lost the true faith.  They have, in essence, lost their life!  They are the walking dead and will not, cannot recognize Jesus in their midst.  Nor will they be counted among the elect when He comes again in glory. 

The world is filled with traps.  Let us walk through it hand in hand.  I will lead you safely to your Source where faith gives way to Union with your God.  Safeguard this great gift of God - within the refuge of my Immaculate Heart. 

8-27-97 Wednesday Cenacle 

Vision: I saw a silhouette of Our Lady (bright and white). She was holding her Heart in her hand. This image of Our Lady was not detailed. However, the Heart in her hand was clear (beautiful and colorful). 

Her words: 
I come to you tonight as your Mother of Solace. We gather together in prayer under a cloak of darkness. The enemy encamps around you hemming you in on all sides! While the enemy was yet far off, I came to you - at Fatima and so many other places around the world - foretelling of this injection of evil into the fabric of society if mankind did not convert and turn back to God. 

We gather tonight in darkness - praying and bringing solace to one another. The present day darkness emerges from hardened hearts upon which altars have been erected - altars upon which sit every form of idolatry (materialism, self- love) - spewing forth a cloak of dense darkness! 

But you, My cenacle, are not in the dark! God lives in you and has overcome the darkness! I am with you now beckoning you to move forward. Look neither to your right or your left. Neither step backward. Continue to stay focused on the light and move forward. 

Hearts must be converted! They must be led into the Fountain of every Grace - the Sacred Heart of Jesus! 

I ask you to lead souls to this Fountain of Grace - by wearing your own heart, formed in Christ's image, on the outside of your clothing. My children bear your hearts to your fellow brothers and sisters through your love for Jesus, His Church and one another. When hearts are converted, the darkness shall give way to a new day - a new and glorious springtime for the Church. 

9-3-97              Wednesday Cenacle 

My Little Heart, 
Words of Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament: 

Speak to my cenacle about trust.  To you - the prescription for sanctity has been given.  My Mother has polished the brass of your love.  You have been chosen for a mission. 

I have lifted your faces from the earth.  I have brushed away the dust of confusion, intellectualism and hedonism.  Your faces, grown pale from the darkness, I have lifted and turned toward the light of my love and my truth.  I have scattered your darkness and placed you upon the narrow path that leads, most directly, to Eternal Life. 

You, for your part, have consoled me through your perseverance.  I have called you my friends and I leave my indelible impression upon the cloak of your faithfulness! 

My little ones, I call you little, because you have yet to understand the level of trust to which I call you!  The season of the harvest is coming and with it, great persecution for My Church.  You are my Church!  You must be willing to suffer an onslaught of scourges for My sake-believing that I will never leave you alone in your pain.  You will suffer, in your hearts, the cruel indifference to the gospel, that has overshadowed the warmth of my Love and Light. 

The day will come when you will stand alone in defense of my gospel.  But you will not be alone!  Trust, without fear, it will be My delight to give you.  A crown of glory you shall earn yourselves by employing this great gift of Hope. 

The hour for My Church has arrived!  Little comfort shall you derive from human compromises and earthly solutions.  All your present day battles are being waged on the spiritual level.  Little wonder, the lords of this spiritually parched earth, have not been able to overcome and restore peace. 

I call you to trust that my words are not void.  Trust that I will never forsake you.  The gifts you have been given, I ask you to give as gift expecting nothing in return. 

Trust that what I have said down through the ages through the prophets and My Immaculate Mother shall come to be fulfilled.  An hour of awakening awaits the world.  Great trust is called to endure such a moment, my little ones. 

I ask you to trust,  It is the brilliant garment of love.  It is the fabric of love - the uniform of a soldier in the battle for everlasting peace.  Trust is your beacon of hope and the way that will lead you through the present day trials and tribulations in the light of a new day - a new and glorious springtime for My Church.


Lord Jesus,
For too long, it seems as though I have been far away from you. Distractions have consumed me. I want to come back. Show me the way. 

My little heart, I am always waiting at the gate. My arms, always open to you. Come, follow Me, leaving behind all excess baggage. A death to self-will, my little one! 

Lord, how can I know for sure that I am following your will and not my own? 

"My little heart, your own will keeps you in slavery to the things of this world. Bound in this slavery, you fall prey to the disease of sin - obsessions, jealousies, maliciousness, and idolatry. To do the will of God is freeing. The experience of God's love awaits you within the freedom of God's Perfect Will. You have experienced the war between the spirit and the flesh. The spirit is pulled toward God's love; the flesh toward the world. Fallen human nature rebels against the pull of the Spirit toward God's Will. 

Enter into the sphere of My love - moving according to the Spirit of My love. From slavery to freedom, from rags to riches, from death to life in Me. This is My will for you -the purpose for which you have been created and called to mission." 

Our Lady's words:
Praised be Jesus Christ now and forever! He has looked with pity upon His faithful ones, having chosen My Immaculate Heart as the means through which He calls and draws souls into His Kingdom. 

Jesus wishes to bring about a purifying transformation upon the whole world. He wishes to restore peace and unity where there is now strife and division. He wishes this transformation to occur in every country, on every continent, in every community, in every home and in every heart. 

You, My cenacle, have been called into this work of transformation. Each of you has been assigned a territory to transform. I have been with you so long to sow seeds of love and peace. I have nurtured these seeds into maturity. I have entrusted to you the means of transformation: 

Prayer - the rosary, prayer of the heart Sacrifice, esp. fasts - in order to overcome your human inclinations toward sins of excess. I have instilled within you faithfulness to the Church and my pope. I have called you to love, unconditionally. 

The territory assigned to you is your own heart, safeguarded within mine through this cenacle of prayer. 

Persevere, My cenacle. I am your hope, sent among you, to oversee and lead my faithful little ones into a glorious, new era of transformation atop the mountain that we are climbing together. 

I implore you not to loose foothold as you ascent this mountain of sin and apostasy. Stay focused through this fog of error and confusion. Remain faithful through temptations to stop and rest. The summit for which we all long for is not far off. Persevere in love and trust. I am always with you. For the way to this transformation must begin in your own heart!

No November Messages

BLESSED SACRAMENT        12-3-97 

Lord, some days the battle seems to rage mercilessly within me.  The ever-present seductive one attempts to keep me away from you.  Some days, it is so hard to find you in all of this chaos.  I know I am not alone in this battle between good and evil.  Come, Lord, to my assistance! 

Response:  "Daughter, where are you looking for Me? 

Lord, maybe, the problem is that I'm not looking for you; but for things - looking in too many places - doing too many things! 

Response:  "My little heart, Seek Me - just Me.  Strip away all the 'vicious excesses' in your life.  You will find Me.  I want to be found by you.  I make Myself available to be found. I am here in this Sacrament, most efficaciously - always longing and waiting for you.  My eye is always upon you. 

My little one, Advent is an opportunity for you to prepare my way into your heart.  Make straight My path.  Steady your heart.  Calm your interior being.  Love doesn't happen by chance.  Love is born from a heart that has been opened, seasoned and set 'free' - free to bear love into the world. 

My little daughter, your heart must know calm, your ears - attuned to silence, your mind - uncluttered, your hands- open - reaching out to me and not clinging to the baggage of living.  Your words must ring out kindness and be uplifting; not harsh and laden with judgement.  Your spirit must be restful and not restless.  Your lips must be formed in prayer and not dedicated to every form of calumny.  And, where is your Mother regarding your search for Me?  Have you left Her side?  She is dedicated to your protection and eternal salvation. 

Because darkness encamps around you, I have lit a bright light in the world to see you clear.  This Star, My Mother, leads you to the New Bethlehem.  The New Bethlehem is the rebirth of My Church - arisen glorious, shimmering and exultant!  Are you waiting for Me there - in My Church - patiently, with expectant hope?  I have left you the full deposit of Faith for you to safeguard by your vigilant endurance in the practice of it. (faith) 

My little heart, are you where you should be?  Or, are you wandering off into the thickets of the world?  I am here, My beloved, where are you?  Seek Me, daughter, where I am to be found - by way of the Bright Star I have sent you, within my church, in every heart that has truly sought Me.  There, you will find Me, your truest Love.  I am waiting to be found.  Find Me.  Find Peace.

12-10-97             BLESSED SACRAMENT 

My daughter,  Peace be with you!  What would you ask of Me today?  What would you like Me to put in your heart? 

My reply:  Peace, Lord, and a sense of your presence.
My little heart, the gift of My self - My body and my blood - you have just received.  Do you believe this? 

My reply:  Yes, Lord - I do believe that I have just received you. 

The gift of My undying love has been given you.  Do you believe this? 

My reply:  Yes, Lord, I believe that your love lives in me. 

My daughter,  it is out of love that I have chosen you to bring Me into the world to help My weary people.  Do you believe that I choose whom I will to be heralds of My good news in the world?  Accept this gift of Myself with faith!  Why, then, do you wonder about what to do, what to say? With whom I choose to make my home, I will surely remain and fortify.  To those I call, I give every grace necessary to respond to that call.  My love is your fortress, My Spirit, your strength. 

The devil stands ready to snatch the true faith from every believer.  I need you to be a light of faith.  Together, we must untangle the web of confusion spun by the enemy of the Faith.  I need your hands to lighten the loads that my people carry.  Without my presence, would this be possible?  If I were not resting in your heart, you would be powerless to effect a change, to do my work.  Yes, my little daughter, I am with you.  Do you love me? 

My reply:  Yes, Lord. 

Then believe this: "My presence is within you". 

My dear Mother, Are you with me always?  Do you ask anything from me today? 

Her Reply:  I am always with you, my little one.  Praised be Jesus for His blessings upon you.  He blesses you thus because He knows that you will savor His graces and cause them to grow.  He knows you will share them with others bringing about the growth of His Kingdom in your midst. 

Tell my cenacle that from my heart flow graces to strengthen them for their mission of prayer and penance. 

My dear cenacle, 

It is my great joy to brighten these dark and dreary days with the light of my motherly love.  I am with you always.  Your faithfulness has been my delight.  Remain within the fold of My cenacle so that on that glorious, appointed day, I may gather you all into my arms and reveal to you the constant and consoling love of the heart of your Mother. 

You have been given to my care for safekeeping.  I will never leave you alone.  Still your restless hearts, My cenacle, as the world remembers once again that first holy, silent Christmas night when peace became incarnate out of love for all God's children - both great and small. 

I bring you the Christ-child.  May this new life remind you that God will bring newness of life into His Church once again in the appointed season.  You, my cenacles, are the first fruits of this new life long awaited by you. 

Be at peace and be filled with a hopeful, expectant Christmas joy.  I love you.


My Dear Children of Holy Hope - the children of My Son's Remnant Church, 

As the world celebrates and remembers the birth of My Son, once again, into a dark and cold world, - Come! - Gather around the manger.  I offer each of you to the Christ-child as 'gifts'.  He accepts My offering with joy, in great delight!  You, my dear children, are the gifts I bring to My newborn Son. 

Do not allow discouragement to weigh you down.  Do not allow the tide of trials and tribulations to overcome you.  These things must happen, as labor pangs, before the New Advent, the Second Pentecost and the Triumphant Second coming of My Son. 

Come, gather around the Manger.  For He lives.  I place him into the manger of every heart who loves him.  Be filled with the joy and peace of Christmas - for he lives always - within you.  I love you.