from July through December 1996
1996 Messages to Lena Shipley
good that I am here in a special way through this shrine
My Beloved Daughter,
It is good that I am here in
a special way through this shrine that I have desired and with which I
am so pleased. I am always with you, My beloved mouthpiece. But, I especially
desire to be a visible presence in your life so that you can be that visible
presence of love and mercy to those whom you are sent. So it is that this
little shrine proceeds from the salvific plan of God and will be for you
a garden of peace and renewal - a hovel of prayer where the Heart and Mind
of God reach out to touch you, fortifying you for your mission.
Speak to My Cenacle of peace
and bring to them the certitude of My Maternal presence among them in this
war of the ages.
My Beloved Cenacle, Praised be
to the Most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit as we wait together
in joyful hope for the coming of our King of Glory before whom every nation
on earth shall bow and glorify.
My Cenacle, from your sentinels
of prayer, you watch and pray with Me, your guiding star. You see, from
your watchtowers, that peace in the world is under seige. Peace in homes,
peace in communities, neighborhoods and countries - all dried up fountains
now - peace, a thirst, today, unquenched.
You have seen that your world
can no longer satisfy the hearts that were made for God alone. It has no
permanent answers to your present trials and tribulations. Your world cannot
bring you peace in the face of a rebellious nature whose unruly elements
lash and scourge the earth. The world and its' powers cannot offer peace
as wars annihilate large numbers of people and tragedies claim the lives
of the innocents in a matter of seconds sending shock waves around the
globe. The hearts that were made for God alone are, today, with all your
technology, restless and can find no lasting peace.
My beloved, your maladies are
the result of man's rebellion against the one, true God. Mankind will find
no peace apart from God just as surely as Adam and Eve could not restore
themselves to their original beauty before their fall.
I am among you to light your
way to peace and restoration with your God. I am here to lead you to the
true peace that the world cannot give even in the midst of the current
trials through which you are living. I come as the whole world's Queen
of Peace as a sign of contradiction in the face of the global chaos in
which you now find yourselves - a chaos that is reaching it's crescendo
in these last hours before My Triumph.
I come to you, My cohort, as
a Sign of Hope as you proceed through the battle of the ages, a battle
for souls such as has not been since the battle before time began.
My dear ones, I have created
for each one of you a little haven of peace, a place of shelter here within
My Immaculate Heart - a Heart created for you and formed as a refuge especially
for these end times. The path that leads to peace opens for you and is
now being traveled by you as you live out your consecrations, in prayer
and sacrifice.
Be astute, My cenacle, not to
leave this pathway to Heavenly peace and Divine Love. For the enemy, like
a roaring lion, waits on the periphery - seeking to devour you especially
now as time winds down. I leave you in the holy light of peace.
am here with you so that you might see the Face of Mercy in these times
of tribulation
My Dear Cenacle,
Praised be Jesus Christ, true
God and true Man, for the wondrous things God has done for you! God has
done marvelous deeds among you. He has taken your stony hearts and fashioned
them for Himself. God's favor rests upon you. I am here among you to claim
for Him those whom God has chosen. Praised be God, the Blessed Trinity,
for He has looked with kindness on His lowly ones and His Mercy will endure
Rest assured, My Cenacle, that
I am here with you so that you might see the Face of Mercy in these times
of tribulation. I come to implore you again and again. Do not become impatient
or complacent as you wait for the fulfillment of My prophecies. Use these
moments of grace to prepare yourselves and the whole world for the hour
of the great and terrible test.
The world is about to pass through
a test such as it has never before endured nor ever will again. A test
such as could never enter your imaginations - a test you could never hope
to pass on your own power.
My beloved, God must to glorified
in and through His creation! All creation must glorify the Almighty! It
cannot give Glory to it's Creator in it's present condition. The world
has become enmeshed in sin and cannot break loose of it's own accord. God
will shake loose the world from its' snare. All creatures must decide for
You, My little ones, have decided
for God. You have given your little hearts to Me, your Mother, for safe
keeping. God now desires you to be living tabernacles who house His presence
in the world. You must be lampposts of truth - vessels of every virtue,
pillars of faith in these dark and dangerous times.
Follow Me, your true guide, into
the battlefields of your homes as living tabernacles of His peace and His
Love. Bring peace, My little ones, where there is now anxiety and discord.
Follow Me into the battlefields of your workplaces and communities. Be
living tabernacles of His purity, honesty and integrity. Follow Me into
the battlefields of your Churches as living tabernacles who house the Truth
and the Faith as Jesus handed it down to the first apostles.
Be courageous, My little tabernacles,
as all will surely come crumbling down around you. God will loosen the
bonds of sin, a supreme test you must all endure.
Satan desires to sift you and
all My cohort like wheat; but I have prayed for you at the foot of My Son's
Cross - a prayer from the Heart of your Mother - which God cannot refuse.
Remain securely in this Heart so full of love for you, as the rain of God's
Justice falls upon the earth. You shall remain safe within the ark of My
Heart and thus behold the day of glory, the sun of victory as it arises
upon a new and glorious day.
am here to awaken you to these special times in which you are living
My Dear Cenacle,
Praised be our Blessed Redeemer,
who, through His Holy Cross, has re-opened Heaven to all.
My little ones, I am here to
awaken you to these special times in which you are living. The Heaven's
reverberate with joy because God has willed to save His creatures from
the enemy and to what great measures He now takes to save you in this special
time of grace!
The angels and saints know what
great glory God's remnant will bring to Him; and, if they could envy you,
they surely would! For they know well the special time which is upon you.
Your Mother is here to awaken
you to the treasury of graces reserved for you in these special times.
The lance has opened for the world a holocaust of graces pouring forth
from the Heart of My Son. His saving Blood and water have poured forth
upon humanity for nearly 2000 years. The richest, sweetest and most potent
have been reserved for these special, end times.
O, My children, I have come to
awaken you to the specialness of these times. You have been called - each
by name - to partake in the great plan of God's final and most decisive
victory over the age-old enemy. You do not yet see the greatness of these
times nor do you see the nearness of the events that will culminate in
the victorious triumph of My Heart to which you have all been chained by
My Rosary. You have not yet grasped the importance of the role you each
play in My victory.
I am with you to keep you awake
and responsive to the signs of these special times of grace in which you
are participating.
My Cenacle, lean not on your
own understanding. Rely not on your own strength. For surely I tell you
- you cannot fathom the depth of God's wisdom nor the scope of His ways.
He has chosen you to hold your post in these special times of warfare.
He has chosen not the strong of this world, rather the weak to manifest
His greatness. His greatness shall be made known in the world through you.
Pray to know your role in these
special times. Pray to understand your littleness, yet, through your littleness,
your distinct significance in God's Plan. Pray to remain docile, peaceful
and trusting of your Infinite God's Love for you. Pray to remain attentive
to My voice in your midst. The enemy wishes to deafen My words by sowing
seeds of doubt. He wishes to obscure the signs all around you. He wishes
to close your hearts to the truths of these special times and graces.
In these times, the doors have
been opened for you. In these times, My voice beckons you to enter through
them. I am with you while they remain open. But, O, My beloved, they shall
soon close and all who have not entered must then reckon with Divine Justice.
These times have been placed into your hands, My cohort, to draw all men
through the open doors of Mercy. They are soon to close, My little ones.
Remain, as always, prayerful and responsive to these, your special times
of grace.
1996 Messages to Lena Shipley
My little daughter, Speak to
My cenacle of the conclusive hour of our days together. Do not be so afraid
of deception, My little heart, for, although it is wise to remain prudent
and cautious, I have protected you more than you know. I am with you bearing
you upon angelic protection as you carry out with Me, your tender Mother,
God's design. Speak with confidence. You are My voice calling out in the
wilderness of evil.
My cenacle, You are beginning
to see, sprouting everywhere, the fruits of Satan. You are beginning to
see the fruition of the seeds of hatred - full blown - sown by the enemy.
Violence - genocide, infanticide, suicide, homicide - reign throughout
especially large, godless cities. Terrorism is quickly approaching it's
peak in the world.
You are witnessing the fruition
of the seed of error, confusion - a general apostasy and exodus from Faith
in the Truth who is Jesus Christ. Unmasked before you is the fruit from
the seeds of materialism, liberalism, rationalism - all have created the
monster of atheism and a host of sterile idols. Evil has instilled it's
venom into hearts - the fruit sprouting forth from these hearts have become
Youth is lost in a sea of indifference
because many families are irreligious, without moral fiber. O, My poor
children who have no-one to teach them!
You have arrived at the hour
of sacrifice - the world's Calvary. You, My little ones, will be the object
of the devil's greatest wrath. How blessed are My cenacles throughout the
world. They have been chosen to receive the greatest grace of sacrificial,
holy love! You are to be beacons of the Truth; and, bearing the light of
Truth, you shall also be beacons of hope to a sinking, hopeless world.
I am here to guide you through
the hour of your witness. It is the hour of your witness amidst the final
and bloody martyrdom of Christ's church. It is the hour of your witness
to the Truth of the God-Man amidst the throes of lies from the man of iniquity.
It is the hour of your witness amidst unspeakable afflictions.
My dear sons and daughters of
the reign of the Kingdom which is coming upon the earth, you are the forebear's
of a new and glorious age. You are the chosen who shall hear the shouts
of gladness with which the angels shall exalt you. You are the witnesses
of Christ who shall hear Him say to the Father, "These I give you, for
they, during the great persecution, have borne witness to the Truths of
My Kingdom. Now I acknowledge their glory to you, Father."
Yes, My cenacle, I am with you
in this hour of your witness. I lift you up unto My Son's Cross that you
may be sanctified through it and thus glorified in Him - your Truth and
your Eternal Destiny.
Your Mother - The Father - The
Son and Holy Spirit - love you and thank you for your witness!
My little daughter, Deliver to
my cenacle this prayer that I have inspired in you through the heart of
Josefa, servant of God and repairer of His many wounds. Unite yourself
to hervirtuous heart and the hearts of all victim souls - for all of these
paths are alike. They lead to the wounded heart of the Savior. Indeed,
all are one - united in suffering with My Son's Heart - so Sacred and so
wounded. Daughter, in all of your trials, have recourse to the two hearts
set before you. (Mentally, I saw the two united hearts like the ones represented
at Holy Love in Ohio.) The flames from these hearts light your way and
ignite your poor heart - to love of God and neighbor. Why do you trust
so little? Open up your little heart in trust and speak to My Cenacle.
My dearest cenacle, I call you
dearest because you are one of my littlest cenacles - poor and little of
spirit - who walk the path of conversion.
My littlest ones, how it wounds
the Heart of God when you attempt to work alone - forgetting even for a
moment that it is God who accomplishes everything in and through you. Can
any of you create a blade of grass? Little successes come about not solely
through your efforts; but, because of God's goodness. God uses His little
soldiers on earth not because He must, but because He desires His beloved
creatures to partake of His immense goodness and become co-sharers of His
bountiful goodness.
You are My littlest cenacle because
you rely on the goodness of God to accomplish the task God has entrusted
to you.
I am the goodness of God enfleshed.
I bring to you the Merciful Heart of God when I offer you the refuge of
My Immaculate Heart.
I am the Mercy of God enfleshed.
I bring you His Mercy as I lay before you in my messages the final stage
in His plan of salvation. I open for you the floodgates of His Mercy when
I pour out among you so many graces that have blossomed into many young
buds of virtue.
I am the Love of God enfleshed.
My maternal love and care for you is a reflection of the Heart of God.
His love for you knows no bounds. From His Heart, many flames shoot out
upon the world to set it ablaze as never before.
You, My littlest cenacle, are
one of the flames of God's Love. You are a creation of love emanating from
the Heart of God. You are being led by Me into the desert of your dark
little corner of the world.
I am here to work a prodigy of
love among you. You shall taste and see the goodness of God. God sends
Me to perform this prodigy for you. So shall it be, my little ones.
My littlest cenacle, a bright
light dawns for you. You are My blessed ones. You, too, shall be prodigies
of love for others. God shall do this for you - not because of your merit,
but because of His goodness and His love for you.
Peace! Peace! Peace! I leave
you in a Holy Peace.
My Beloved Cenacle, Praise God
for His Word within you is like a seed which will bring forth good and
abundant fruit in due season. Praise God because He has chosen you to nourish
your brothers and sisters with this fruit thus becoming partakers of His
magnanimous salvific plan.
I am with you in this mighty
work. Indeed, I have become for you in these times of yours a great reservoir
of God's grace - a channel whereby grace flows from Heaven to earth. By
this means, I am building within My cenacles, a strong foundation upon
which the renewed Church of Jesus shall rest.
I am building you up to be sturdy
pillars of faith in a society which has come to rely on its' own technology
and resources for its' sustenance. Your society has become pagan and shall
receive a pagan's reward - eternal damnation - if it continues to choose
its' false gods.
I am building you up to be pillars
of love in a nation grown cold and indifferent. Its' continual disregard
for the dignity of life, has provoked the just anger of God and shall be
given over to its' repugnance.
I am building you up to be pillars
of virtue in a nation swelled with pride and greed. The stench of this
venom fills the land causing even nature to rebel against it.
Finally, I am raising you up
as pillars of hope. You, my cenacles, shall be the light toward which many
shall gravitate when all their structures have crumbled, when all false
hope shall disappear as a vapor.
You, my cenacles, are the foundation
upon which the renewed Church will rise from its' grave. You shall be my
angels at the empty tomb announcing a new Easter.
The wounds of my Son are open
and bleeding, my beloved. I call you to be the balm which soothes His wounded
Heart. Be expressions of His Love in this evil age - an age that approaches
its final hour.
For this reason, your Mother
is among you. My dear ones, hold your plans ever so lightly as we approach
together the end of this hour in time. For all shall change with the swiftness
of lightening. What once was, shall be no longer. Your plans for tomorrow
may not be realized as you anticipate.
Conform your will to God's Will
in all your affairs. Do not be caught off guard. Pray that the hidden evil
designs in your nation, which are becoming more and more unmasked will
cause more souls to turn to their God for help. My Beloved cenacle, God
waits for their return and shall continue to wait right up until the trumpet
blast of Divine Justice. Be the luminous sign of hope for those who shall,
one by one, awaken to the Truth. For you walk in light and your light shall
soon overcome this present day darkness.
1996 Messages to Lena Shipley
Daughter, Always turn to Me here
in the Sacrament of My presence. You will never go away empty. I am here
- truly here with you. If you leave here still thirsty, you have come but
you have not drunk. You have come as an observer, if you leave still wanting.
I wish you to come, not as a casual observer, yet still hard-hearted and
slow to believe. Rather, I desire you to come to Me here as a full partaker
of this mystery and the many graces I offer to you and all believers who
come to immerse themselves fully in My Love poured out from the Monstrance.
Tell My Cenacle, your friends
and family. Tell all who have hearts to listen that I am waiting for them
here in My prison of Love. You are Heaven's voice, My little heart. Tell
My faithful ones who unite as one prayer, who form My Mother's Cenacle,
tell them - "You who have heard the messages from Heaven, take heed of
the signs of your times. You have not yet surrendered your hearts to Heaven's
peace plan. My little ones, I see there is still no peace in souls - even
souls consecrated to the Hearts of My Mother and Mine!"
I see many have not surrendered
their wills to Mine. There is yet so much anxiety and indecision in hearts.
I see many have not yet surrendered their possessions to the Divine Plan.
There are still so many enslaved hearts - hearts chained to their physical
O, My beloved, My Heart aches
because so many suffer needlessly! See, My little ones, every breath you
take is effortlessly orchestrated according to the Divine Plan. You breath
in and then let that breath out again. If you did not release your drawn
breath, your lungs would explode! Why can you not live in the same Divinely
orchestrated fashion? Just as you release every breath you draw, release
the events of your lives back to Me. If you did, your hearts would remain
light and uncluttered. Your burdens, although part of living, would be
made light! Give your lives back to Me, My foolish, burdened children!
I wait for you here to accept your offering and to, in My turn, transform
your lives according to the manner in which they were intended - joyful
and abundant - even through pain and trials.
I wish to prepare you in the
manner in which I speak, to courageously march forth as my latter day apostles
-unattached to this world which is quickly passing away. The winds of change
are stirring up a storm such as has never before been witnessed. You, My
chosen ones, who lead the ranks of My Mother's army, shall ride these winds
effortlessly or be violently tossed about in the tempest of your own wills.
The choice is yours! Choose My Way. Choose My Will. Choose My love - My
graces freely and abundantly bestowed on you here in My Presence. Choose
wisely. Choose soon. Be at Peace for My immense love will always be your
My Little Daughter,
Hear my voice calling from the
depths of my motherly heart calling to all my lost and stricken children.
All my children have been stricken with the disease of sin. All fall short
in God's all-knowing sight. All are in need of forgiveness.
Speak to my cenacle of my tears
and most sorrowful heart as I see my little ones scattered, divided and
so self- absorbed.
So many chosen souls still lament
over their trials! If they could only perceive the hidden gifts destined
for the souls God has chosen to be heirs of His glory! - Those souls who
have been rescued by the Blood of the Lamb. If they could but perceive
the immense, eternal worth of their souls, their sufferings. God has provided
a way for fallen, depraved humanity to come into His glory - by way of
His Cross. (Co-sharers in His Cross - co-sharers in His glory!)
My little cenacle, if you could
know the worth of your crosses! You would prostrate yourselves in the dust
of the earth in reverence and awe and thanksgiving for them! O, my poor
children! So many cannot see; therefore, they cannot console the living
God who remains ever with you in this Sacrament of His love.
But I, your Mother, have found
solace for Him in the generous hearts of my cenacles. In my cenacles, human
spirits have opened to Heaven's
words, Heaven's love and Heaven's mercy. In my cenacles, I have found secure,
warm beds in which to lay my precious Son, Jesus. In my cenacles, for so
many years I have busily planted and nurtured seeds of renewal and regeneration.
From my cenacles shall emerge a renewed and glorious Church.
Accordingly, my beloved, I come
with the cross, which is the only way to this glorious victory of ours.
Accept it into your hearts with love and thanksgiving. You cannot grasp
its' power to transform your own lives, your families, your neighborhoods
and your world. Therefore, accept them with humility and assurance that
you are never alone in these perilous days that wind down to victory.
In the twinkling of an eye many
changes shall affect life on this planet. With these changes, shall come
the gift of new and heavier crosses. My cenacle, be docile and trusting
through the coming trials. God is with you here in this Sacrament until
the end of the age. The heavenly hosts surround you, ministering to your
many needs, and I, your heavenly ambassador, remain your ever-present and
luminous guide to the New Jerusalem.
My little heart,
Come, come into My home. Find
your peace - warm yourself with the fire of My love. I have so much love
to give you, so much grace. But you must ask for them. I wait here for
you to ask Me. I am eager to dispense so much grace upon generous souls
who will receive them with love and a willingness to further My Kingdom
upon earth.
I send My Mother who leads you
in the use of My many gifts among you.
My Beloved Cenacle,
Praised by Jesus Christ now and
forever. Blessed be His Mystical Body, the Church. Blessed be my cenacles,
who will advance the Kingdom of God upon earth - preparing it for the coming
of the glorious reign of Jesus.
My dear ones, a new season has
arrived, a new season rich in God's grace, a new season of His Mercy, a
season of Justice. Look around you and see His Hand everywhere.
I am among you to gather the
fruit of God's harvest from among my cenacles. God has been generous to
you, my little ones. God's grace is bearing fruit in your hearts and must
be generously dispensed to those starving souls among whom you live.
I am here to gather a rich harvest
of souls for my Son. I have called you and attached you to My Heart through
your consecrations. I need your help for this mighty work.
My cenacle, use God's graces
wisely. Do not store them on the shelves of your hearts where they are
of no use to you or those with whom you live. Convert these gifts, by your
actions, into love - the only power that saves. God has first loved you;
now, you in this season of the harvest, must cover the earth with His Love.
Use your gifts wholeheartedly
and without reservation. Do not be ashamed to proclaim the gospel of your
salvation. Do not be ashamed to proclaim your faith in My messages to you.
In this season of harvest, God
awaits your offering. All that has been planted in you - having brought
forth life -for souls - must be returned to God in the season of the harvest.
My dear ones, a season is coming
when work shall cease. What has not been gathered for God, shall have scattered.
Be attuned to the changing of the seasons of time. Work while there is
still time. Reclaim for Christ, with Me, your Mother, the souls for which
He paid so dear a price. I love you, my cenacle. I am with you as the seasons
change and all work grinds to a swift and definitive halt.
9-25-96 Wednesday Cenacle
My little one, ask of Me what
you will and dispense quickly seeds of division, confusion. Good fruits
of love, unity and peace must thrive among you - brought about through
My Mother's presence among you. There must exist among you a commonality
of purpose - the conversion of hearts back to God, who is returning all
of creation under His rightful subjection.
Can any one among you reason
according to the Divine Mind of the Omnipotent God? You, with your finite
minds - how can you think like God? Accordingly, you cannot plot out or
make provisions for the masterful unfolding of God's purification of the
(My question: What must we do,
Lord, to live out these times in a manner pleasing to you?)
Become docile - become as little
children in the arms of their mother. Listen to her whom I have sent to
you. She leads you to a transformation of heart.
Abandon seeds of ill-will among
you. Avarice, greed, jealousy - smite them from your hearts. Cease accumulating
unnecessary things that only serve to enslave you to this world. Owe no-one!
Cease incurring debt, that no one should own you. For you belong to God
who alone you owe the debt of your salvation.
Condemn no one. For God's glory
shall one day shine through all hearts reclaimed for Him. In the hour of
truth, the one you judged harshly shall mirror the living God -having been
purified by His Flame of Love. The judgment passed shall then return to
Think love, my children. Think
and act in love. Mend relationships. Rekindle love in broken relationships.
Shall you seek to preserve your bodies while your souls are in such dire
need of salvation?
Fear nothing that can harm your
bodies. Rather, tremble in fear for the power of darkness that seeks to
snatch your soul into the everlasting flames of hell. You have asked, What
must I do, to whom shall I listen? I respond through the one whom I have
sent - My Mother - My voice! Listen to Her! Read and re-read Her words.
Do not be diverted in your conversion! Do not turn your gaze toward those
voices who say, "Look here, the Lord says this. Look there, for He is in
this prophecy! Many voices speak in My
Name - but many more do not! Many
are deceived - many are loosing ground.
O, why do you search, My little
ones. I am here with you in this little garden of My Mother's. I look out
to you from the Monstrance with such yearning. Why are you still not satisfied?
Do you not understand the great privilege afforded you in the manifestation
of My Mother through Her words?
Rejoice, my friends, My love
never tires of you. I shall pursue you until the end. You shall be My people
set on a hillside whose light will draw many. For I have called you and
I want you - I want your will, your heart. Cooperate with My Mother who
has begun to work a prodigy within your hearts. Cooperate in this work
of conversion.
For I am coming. I come soon
to establish My Kingdom among you.
Messages to Lena Shipley
Lady with Her Heart in Her hands. The Heart was crowned with thorns. She
said, through many tears,
My Cenacle, I am sorrowing so
these days! Look at My Heart, so pierced because My Son is so rejected.
This humanity has lost sound judgment, common sense and even base kindness
in dealing with one another. Love has been lost, My beloved little children.
Love is lost in hearts because God is Love and God has been abandoned.
O, how my poor Heart suffers these days!
My mission upon this earth in
this century of yours, by all human appearance, seems destined to failure.
But, My cenacle, it will not fail! God is the Author of My Mission and
God cannot fail because Love cannot fail!
My Heart is sorrowing because
humanity is failing! So far as it goes, even my chosen souls are becoming
lost and entangled in a web of confusion and error. O, my little ones,
it is the test of love that you must pass! Love cannot coexist with pride.
So many today forget their littleness because they cannot perceive the
greatness of God.
My little cenacle, remember from
whence you came! Humility attracts God like a magnet and love follows in
torrents, permeating all like the fragrance of sweet perfume.
My Beloved, love one another
and let your love grow in the soil of your hearts that I have prepared
and nurtured. Create a climate of love, for this is the climate to which
your Jesus wishes to return.
My tender souls, humanity as
a whole is failing this test of love. But you, my cenacle, must not! Make
of your lives, lived in prayer and attentive to My Voice, an offering of
love for stricken humanity.
Relieve my pierced and sorrowing
heart of some of its' pain. Take His crown unto yourselves in these last
days of sinful living. Take His thorns to remind yourselves of your littleness.
Unite yourselves to Me in an all out love effort - for love transforms
and divinizes. This, My children, is the climate into which My Son will
Be heralds and examples of His
merciful flame of Love. Soon will come His flame of Divine Justice to purify
and transform this stiff-necked humanity who refuse to listen to the voice
of truth, who refuse to see the Hand of God in calamity after calamity
and who refuse to take notice of you, my heralds of Love.
(Early in the morning - around
6:00 A.M. - I saw a flash of light, instantaneous. It was very similar
to the flashes of light I saw on Apparition Hill on the night of Aug. 15,
l988 just preceding Our Lady's apparition.)
My dear, dear children, Prepare!
Prepare! Prepare - for the final moments of history that I have so long
prepared you. The glorious moments in which your Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ, will intervene in a dramatic way are now upon you. He comes, my
He comes upon the wings of silence.
He comes through the doors of your hearts, which I have helped you open
to Him. He comes to those consecrated to our two united hearts. He comes
upon the wings of love. He enters your often chaotic lives through hearts
that love - those whom you meet whose hearts have opened to My messages
of Divine Love. Those pure of heart whom the gracious God has given to
you to love as He would. He comes upon the wings of truth. The Holy Spirit
of truth has descended like the dew settling upon hearts that have been
enlightened and set apart as beacons upon a hillside - overshadowing the
thick net of darkness that has entrapped this world. He comes in the Eucharist,
the Sacrament of His own Life -a testament of His Love for this world who
abandons Him and smites His Love. He lives in His Church - His Mystical
Body on earth. He is one with his Church and its' members.
O, poor humanity, what you have
not understood! Your Savior lives! He brings Life! He is the fountain of
living water to quench your thirst forever! But you have too long preferred
thirst and death!
Your Savior now comes to confront
your conscious as the Crucified One - the Rejected One - the Smitten One
- the Condemned One! Your conscious shall condemn you and bring you to
your knees.
O, My little ones, He comes as
your Eucharistic King. He comes to bathe the world in His Love. The Monstrance,
like rays from the Sun, shall illuminate the darkness making all things
new. Creation shall bask once again in the Light of His Love.
It is for you, My Cenacle, to
prepare for His latter comings through the way in which I have laid out
for you. Your graduation from the school of My Heart will soon arrive.
Soon, very soon, you shall enter another school - the school of adversity
and persecution, the school of the Cross and Crucifixion. The final pages
are turning as swiftly as the leaves are falling from the trees.
Pray, my cenacle, for the grace
of true sorrow for your sins. Pray for enlightenment - knowledge of any
trace of sinfulness still clinging to your heart. Remain close to the confessional
where Jesus meets you with open arms. For He comes - to save. He comes
with love and with mercy. He comes with grace of conversion for all men
the whole world over. He comes, finally, as your Eucharistic King - to
wait for humanity's response to His Love before the great and terrible
day of the Father's Justice.
As we began to pray, I saw Our
Lady come in a small, silvery globe of light. I could not see Her face.
This globe of light hovered over the statue of Our Lady during prayer.
First, She said to me: "Daughter,
be My voice and speak to My children. Be content to open your lips and
allow Me to speak through them. For this is God's Will.
My dear children,
You gather here tonight in faith
and in the unity of the Holy Spirit. You have been given ears to hear My
call and hearts that have responded in love to both My Son and I. Your
hearts beat for love of My Son and His beats for you.
I have come tonight to beg you
to safe guard the precious jewel of your faith; for there are forces in
place prepared to snatch this precious jewel from you. I ask you tonight
to allow Me to be the Guardian of your faith. Pick up your rosaries, the
prayer of the pure (humble) of heart. By this means, I will carry you swiftly
and safely over the perilous sea of these times to a new dawn. For the
old, oppressive times are quickly passing away and the new, resplendent
times are upon you.
Dear Mother, do you wish to speak
to your cenacle?
"I am always with My cenacles.
I am with those who pray. Daughter, I am with all My children at all times;
but my presence is most especially prominent when you are in prayer."
I wish to speak about the new
era of peace. I have come to prepare you all to live in a new world of
peace and the order of grace. My dear children, you cannot know the freedom
of living in God's peace. Your world has always been held bound under the
oppression of hatred and war. Everyone - man, woman and child - has felt
its' effects. Man has fallen from grace and thus, the natural order of
God has fallen asunder. Mankind has become unbridled in his quest for control
- of his life and of power! Humanity has made a mockery of God's order.
God has been debunked in your society and His grace laid waste because
there are so few who accept it.
So, My children, you cannot know
true peace. But, you shall know it! For this, I have come and identified
Myself as the world's Queen of Peace. I am your way, the light - that leads
to a new dawn of peace.
I am preparing you for another
way of living. For the order of mankind shall shatter! I introduce you
to God's order of grace - an order that has been lost by man's continued
disobedience; but, an order that was always meant to be for all the creatures
that God has created in His image.
I have re-presented to you God's
law of love by bearing His Heart to you and showering upon you abundant
grace. It is this law of love that shall govern the hearts of all people
in the new and resplendent era of peace. His love shall swell and overflow
from hearts uniting all in unbroken brotherhood. This unity of hearts shall
cause God's order to reign in your land.
Love shall be the cure-all of
every inconvenience and hardship. Love shall turn every hardship into joy
and will be the cause that glorifies God as men and women help one another.
God's Face shall be recognized in the sick, in those bearing trials. In
this way, all shall be one in sorrow; all one in joy. Peace and brotherhood
shall rule in hearts.
You shall know your God intimately;
and, having seen His Face, you shall imitate Him. Nothing shall exist without
a purpose. Nothing shall happen without a reason. All for the greater glory
of God!
He shall be your King and you,
His subjects - happily serving Him until the end of your days. The planting
season, the harvesting, birth and death - all causes of great joy to you;
for truth, my little ones, in the new era of peace shall be unveiled.
My little ones, paradise shall
be restored in hearts. Life, although simpler, shall be glorious! Trials
shall be lighter and seen in a different light - God's Light. My beloved,
all shall be joy for you.
You will see Me, your true Mother,
in all the Motherly love I bear for you. When you behold My beauty, you
shall know that Heaven is your true home and the holy hope that will carry
you to the end of your earthly days.
My beloved cenacles, the new
era of peace is an era of freedom from the shackles that now bind you.
It is your land of milk and honey - the pre-dawn or foyer to Heaven.
Rejoice, My beloved, and long
for this day!
look into the eyes of My Mother and listen as She connects to your heart.
For Her Heart is a reflection of Mine. When She speaks, She opens the book
of My Heart for you.
My dear little children of the
new generation, I, your Mother, am bearing the labor pains accompanying
the birth of a new and glorious era for the Church of My Son. I am your
Mother, My dear children. Can a Mother desert the child within her womb
at the onset of labor?
O, My cenacle - how painful are
these birthing contractions! I bear the pains of apathy and indifference
to the word of God, sent to earth through My daily apparitions and messages
- a sublime gift of the Father, the miracle for your times -rejected, scorned,
even by souls blessed with special grace.
I bear the pains of persecution
- even within the heart of the Church of Jesus. My Son's eternal presence
is being denied. His bloody sacrifice - mocked and rendered irrelevant
for today's pleasure-oriented society.
I bear the pains of confusion,
convoluted reasoning, a general lack of simplicity.
I bear the pains of the Passion
as the Church, My little ones, suffer along the way of their cross, imitating
their Savior.
O, the darkness runs deep in
this world - to its' very soul. The Light of Heaven has not yet pierced
this darkness. My little sparks, do you not know that anxiety snuffs out
your light? Why are you so anxious about many things? Is it still not true
today, that the better portion is obtained at the Feet of Him who loves
you immeasurably?
You must continue to be My children
of hope and thus, lights to the world. How can you remain illuminated by
hope and joy in this world of yours which is disintegrating? By remaining
in the united Hearts of Mine and My Son! When you live in our Hearts, we
bring you to the Peace of the Father. We bring you to the essence of His
Plan for the world - one, united Spirit of Love - one Church basking in
the Glory of God. We bring you to a new and glorious existence where faith
and hope have passed into the realm of love. We bring you to the center
which is God - the Trinity - where the speck of light that is lit within
you merges into the Supreme Light that is God.
O, My dear children, the labor
pains that I suffer to bring you forth into this new life of grace being
prepared for you! Be at peace! Do not allow your enemy to set his snares
with which to trap you. He uses anxious thoughts to tie you up and hold
you as his hostage. Do not tire yourselves questioning God's methods, worrying
about tomorrow! The graces given for the present moment are those that
you will need to carry you into the next! Be My hostages of hope and joy
- so that the passage into the new millennium be a smooth one.
Jesus is here! He has sent Me,
the Mother of all, to carry you in My arms, to the Father, the Eternal
Light of the world.
(I saw an image of a tapestry
- from the underside, all different threads that run together. I did not
see the picture on the other side.)
Jesus from the Blessed Sacrament:
"My little heart, My Mother is with you as the pattern of your lives weave
together to form an image of love."
Blessed Mothers words: My little
cenacle, I am with you as the fabric of your lives conform to the Will
of God. You cannot now see the image of love that is being woven by the
threads of sorrow, joy - success and failure that make the fabric of your
lives. You cannot see that it is both the shadow and the light that blend
to form the image of love that I will present to the Father from whom your
life originated.
I see the beautiful image being
formed by my cenacles. I see the pleasure of the Father as I lay before
Him the image of love that has been entrusted to My care in these times.
My little cenacle, you cannot see from the underside, the magnificent glory
emanating from lives lived in conformity to the Will of God. You cannot
see, from the present din of confusion, turmoil and suffering, the glorious
new sunrise just over the horizon.
It seems that the threads of
suffering and darkness are running wildly through life's fabric in these
hours. Yet, so, too, are the threads of hope and love - woven through the
prayers of My cenacles.
My little ones, your country
faces its' gravest hour, its' blackest thread! It continues swiftly down
the godless path of death. And death it shall endure! Your soil has been
contaminated with lies. The great 'isms' have brought death to the soul
of America - relativism, feminism, secular humanism and atheism. Your leaders
have all but sealed the fate of your land.
Mighty shall be the wave of Evil
that overcomes this nation. The personality of Antichrist, already has
set in motion his tactical plan to overthrow Christianity in America. Yes,
my cenacle, the blackest, thickest thread is about to weave its way through
You, My cenacle, must take your
position and stand your ground! Stand poised for attack with your arms
and the garment of your salvation, (your scapular). Remain docile under
fire and continue to trust that the Will of God shall never take you to
where His grace cannot find you.
Yes, the death of America is
sure. But its' rebirth is the hope that I call you to tonight. God shall
breathe another soul into this once great nation. You, My cenacles, are
God's life breath! You are the foundation of a renewed civilization. You
are the first teachers of a new generation.
You are the remnant of a renewed
Church. You are America's hope!
So, My dear ones, on the wake
of another election, I come to tell you not to loose hope. For you cannot
see the image of love that will emerge on the tapestry of your life. I
can see the glory! Do not let the strongest thread of darkness overcome
you. In comparison, it is nothing compared to God's threads of love - being
woven today through you and all my children who have heard My voice crying
out in the wilderness: Make way for the Kingdom of God!
from November to Lena Shipley
My Beloved Cenacle,
I am here tonight to reaffirm
My presence among you in a stronger way as you wage individual battles
with dark forces. Satan, My little children, tries to gain a foothold in
your hearts. The trademarks he leaves upon your heart are cold indifference,
agitation, confusion and doubt. My beloved, this is his signature and he
wishes to engrave it upon your heart.
I come with St. Michael to help
you fight these battles with darkness. I will never leave you alone. For,
alone, My children, you cannot stand against these forces.
Receive My Son in the Eucharist
as often as possible! Daily - My little children. For Love conquers all
- the Eucharist is Love - Love is God and God is Love!
I beseech you to live your consecrations
with greater intensity. Renew your consecrations often - even daily. In
this way, you open all doors, all avenues through which My help may reach
you. My grace flows through all these open doors and you will sense My
help ever more intensely.
You must know, too, My cenacle,
that Satan and his legions have entered all doors opened to them in this
Through the open door of 'free
choice' many demons have flung themselves. The havoc raised by them has
caused rivers of blood to flow in your land. My tears now mingle with the
blood of the innocent as did My tears mingle with the blood of My lifeless
Son as I held Him in My arms.
The evil spirits have flung themselves
through open doors of greed, anger and lust. They have captured human hearts
and imprisoned them in dark, hollow tunnels.
My blessed children, you struggle
against fallen human nature. You struggle down the narrow path to holiness.
But you do not struggle alone. I am your guide. I beseech you, My little
children, do not open your hearts to the spirits of greed, anger, envy,
excess and idolatry. Do not be fooled by the sweet voice of promise that
the world can never deliver.
I come to warn you of the traps
set before you and all my prayer warriors. I come to promise My continued
protection in these perilous hours. For the hour draws near when God's
Mercy and Love will manifest Itself in a great sign. God's intervention
shall interrupt time and all human activity shall momentarily cease.
My little ones, to be forewarned
is to be forearmed. To be forearmed is to be prepared! My mantle wraps
around you in protection. For your part, I say again and again: LIVE MY
My Beloved Cenacle,
The Blood of the Lamb of God
covers the multitude of sins throughout the world. To the Lamb of God be
all glory and honor forever!
My little lambs, Jesus is the
River of Life that winds His way throughout the whole world as His Gospel
is preached from east to west, north to south. Jesus' Mercy and Love extends
over the globe. His blood flows for every man.
I lead you to the River of Living
Waters - not for yourselves alone; but, that you will be His tributaries
and carry His Living Waters into the highways and byways of your life.
When you refuse to speak out
and carry My messages, you shut off the flow of life giving waters. Many
areas, deprived of these waters become parched and dry up. I have called
you to be channels of Life for the world. Are you living My messages by
which you remain open channels of grace?
Are you believing in My messages
or have doubts closed off the valve whereby grace cannot flow through you.
My little soldiers, a large part
of My army remain silent! They are concerned for their safety alone! Some
have become intimidated by fear of persecution. Some are falling away and
believing in false doctrine. Some, becoming confused as false prophets
abound and flourish. False prophets have been fed the delectable, yet poisonous
fruit of pride. The once fervent and zealous have been bitten by the serpent
of sloth, procrastination.
My little remnant flock, Satan
attempts to close down my tributaries. In doing so, many places that once
enjoyed the nourishment of My messages now thirst!
My cenacle, you must gird yourselves
with strength of will and a steadfast faith. Remain steadfast in prayer
and sacrifice. Are you a living testament to the faith that you profess?
Do you open your mouths and speak of the power of the sacramental life
of the Church? Do you live peace and charity within your families? Do you
bear witness to the Truth, the Way and the Life, Jesus Christ?
You are my little children. Come
to me and I will help you. The Holy Spirit will overshadow you with gifts
from on high. For great faith, great courage and great strength are required
by my army in these times.
Today, my little ones, you are
weak. Tomorrow, my soldiers, you shall be strong. Today, my children, you
are often lukewarm. Tomorrow you shall be living flames of Divine Love.
Today, many still grope in their blindness. Tomorrow, you shall be flooded
with light.
For the Blood of the Lamb covers
you and has wiped away all your sins. Rejoice, My highly favored children.
God has done, what for you would be impossible. He has set His seal upon
your foreheads. He has sent Me, your Mother, to you. I am here to help
you remain open channels of grace for the world. For great shall be your
distress if you should abandon your present course and turn away! God has
given you much and much He will expect of you!
I am here to help you live in
the Way, The Truth and The Life. Keep your hearts open to My voice in this
Mother to put a voice to My Heart. Listen to Her and you hear the sound
of My beating Heart. Behold Her works among you and you see My Heart. My
Heart is made both visible and audible through Her. She brings you the
gift of My Heart. She is the package, resplendent and beautiful. Her purity,
the wrapping, that contains My Heart given to the world! I love Her and
ask you, likewise, to love Her. See in Her, this Pure Vessel of Honor,
the reflected image of Her Son. She has borne Him for the world, both for
time and for eternity.
My little cenacle,
I remain with you in the prayer
of your cenacle for the sake of My Son and your Lord and Saviour, Jesus.
I remain so that He may be made known and loved in the world. If you knew
Him better, your little hearts would break, as has Mine, because He is
so neglected and abused!
I remain with you to prepare
you for the great meeting. You shall meet your King of all hearts, My little
ones! The unprepared - O, My cenacle! Truly they shall writhe in their
own misery on that day! O, how Adam did squirm at the moment when He confronted
the Heart of God once sin entered into him! How much worse is today's predicament!
Horrible! Horrible! Creatures have treated their Creator, who is so full
of love, in a horrible fashion!
You must rid yourselves of sin,
My little ones! You must break out of bondage - for, the Sacrifice of Jesus
has mandated your freedom! I am here to help you do so. Without My assistance,
I fear this humanity would surely perish! For it needs great graces - Graces
that I dispense freely and without reservation to my broken and soiled
I remain with you until the dawn
of a new age. I give birth to this new age - you - my sons and daughters
- are to be My infants - the infants I bear for the renewed and resplendent
church. All you who remain under the protection of My mantle and whom I
nurture in My spiritual womb - you have been given the keys to the Church
in its' glorious new beginning.
How great is this privilege!
Can you measure up to its' responsibility? You must, My beloved, and you
Holiness, My cenacle, must be
your goal, and, to that end, your every prayer, thought and deed! That
is why I gather all of your goods, both interior and exterior. I safeguard
them, as I busily polish your every motive for all that you do.
Be mindful of My presence, My
little ones. For urgent is My appeal to each heart. Do not allow the enemy,
Satan, to weaken My signal to your heart. He tries to muffle the sound
of My voice. He tries to enter your consciousness and tell you that all
is right with the world. He tries to convince you that nothing is going
to change! He tries to use the merciful attribute of God by saying that
God will readily forgive the ongoing atrocities of this age! He tries to
relax your zeal. He tries to strip you of your courage. He attempts to
keep you silent!
My cenacles, truly I proclaim
to you the urgency of this hour. A great and terrible battle is waging
for the salvation of the whole world. Nations shall be annihilated at the
climax of this war. Nothing shall remain the same! Not a stone will be
left unturned.
God's justice cannot allow the
world to continue on its' present course. The seat of your government shall
collapse and the now coiled, hidden snakes of corruption in it, shall unfurl
and attack the present democratic system. Panic and violence shall cause
many to follow Antichrist as he sets himself up as dictator and saviour.
You, My cenacles, shall survive
only under the banner of holiness and faith in the one, true Church. I
remain with you until our 'end' is achieved. Without Me, your faith cannot
survive such an onslaught as will be. I, my little hearts, am here with
you and will always be at your disposal. Remain, PLEASE, with Me!
, 1996 Messages to Lena Shipley
My Little Cenacle,
Be little - in this season of
joyful hope as you ponder the birth of He, the King of Kings, who became
little for you - so that you could draw near!
Be little - in this season of
humility as this inflated humanity has set itself up as its' own lord and
master recognizing not the birth of its' salvation in a lowly stable.
Be little, my cenacle, in preparation
for the coming of your Mighty King amidst quaking mountains and performing
awesome deeds for those who have waited in joyful hope for the Revelation
of all Revelations!
Finally, remain little in your
disposition of heart. For the Great One is returning - the 'Wonderful',
the Prince of Peace, next to whom there is no match!
Now is the time to reflect upon
your nothingness. Apart from God, you can do nothing! All of your deeds
become tainted - soiled with self love. You are nothing in this world -
like a mule tied to a stable - the stable of this world. Reflect, my children!
Reflect on the humility of your Creator - who left the abyss of happiness
to dwell in this vale of tears. Reflect on the love of your Creator for
His creatures, as Jesus, proceeding from the unity of the Godhead - descends
to the coldness of a world that would reject Him - continually.
Remain little, My beloved, for
it is into your lowliness and brokenness, that Heaven extends its' loving
and healing hand to lift you up. I, My children, am Heaven's arm - sent
to gather you and grace you and prepare you for what you are to become
- Heaven's citizens.
Humanity forgets the Birth of
My Son. The world forgets the Miracle of Bethlehem. There is no room for
My Son in the chaotic activity that now marks this Holy Season. Materialism
has extinguished the light of Advent and Christmas. Darkness pervades the
My Cenacle, you must be like
candles that light the darkness! You must open the inns of your hearts
to Jesus! Your good deeds - the straw that warms Him. My beloved consecrated
ones, today the world revels in it's gaiety with no notice of the Divine
Babe lying in the manger. Tomorrow, this senseless activity shall cease!
God will make Himself known - not through the silence of an infants' quiet
whimpering, but in the mighty shout of a trumpet blast.
Soon, God will return to His
people - a people who have continually rejected Him, mocked and blasphemed
Him and trampled under foot all of His blessings.
May He find you, My cenacle,
ready to greet Him - doing what is right, mindful of Him in all of your
ways. I gather you together to light up the path through which He will
return. Persevere. Remain little and steadfast. Peace!
My prayer to Jesus for the sake
of our cenacle:
"Jesus, look down upon us with
mercy and pity. Touch our lives. Heal our pain. Strengthen our wills. Quench
our thirst. We hurt, Lord. We are often confused. We fall and sin again
and again. Pick us up, Lord. Surround our cenacle with the protection of
your holy angels. Never let us stray from the folds of your Mother's garment.
You have called us to conversion through your Mother and ours. But like
disobedient children, we don't always listen. Enliven us, Lord with the
power of your Holy Spirit whom we already possess. Awaken in us the power
of His gifts so that the tempest within and around us might cease. Come
Lord Jesus, come!
Jesus response:
My little heart, With streams
of pure love, I engulf you. With that same love, I invade the hearts of
poor sinners who come to Me in repentance. From the depths of My Heart,
I cry to you, My faithful ones, to join My Mother in the greatest conquest
for souls ever engaged since the beginning. She leads you to the stream
of My love. She beckons you to drink from it; thus, fully participating
in the mighty work of salvation. She is My touch upon your life. She is
drawing you to the safest place. She is hiding you within My saving wounds.
My little hearts, allow yourselves to be led by Her, My gentle touch.
Our Lady speaks:
My Beloved Cenacle: May you,
the holy cities of my cenacles, built of living stones, shine with a spiritual
radiance and give fitting witness to the glory of our God. Praise Him for
His great grace that forms you and fortifies you and sets you apart to
be a great light to the world.
My dear ones, the very air that
you breathe is polluted with the poison of confusion, lies and every form
of evil propaganda. Allow Me to be your filter. I will remove every pollution
so that you can breathe in the pure air of God's love and truth.
My little children, indeed, you
need to live in the power of the Holy Spirit Who dwells within you. In
order for His power to be activated, you must surrender the controls to
Him. You hang on so tightly to the reigning power in your lives - your
human wills. Let go, My beloved! Subject your will to God! Allow the Holy
Spirit to lift you high above the things of this earth. He is breathing
the power and love that is God over the land! But this stubborn humanity
does not bend it's cast iron will to God's. Bend to the breathe of the
Holy Spirit, My consecrated ones! Pray to the Power sent from on High and
conform your lives to His promptings.
I am here as a shining example
of one who lived in the power of the Holy Spirit - One whose will bent
to every whim of God. I am your Beacon that illuminates the way of Love,
Hope and Joy. I am the Spouse of the Holy Spirit come to aid you in opening
the door of your heart fully to the Bridegroom who is coming to you. He
desires to enter, to find you, His living stones of light, waiting and
watching. Recognize Me, My beloved cenacle, as the Healing Touch of God's
Hand upon a lost and stricken civilization. Accept His Touch and be healed!
WORDS OF JESUS: "Often, My little
heart, the noises of this world drown Me out. How can you hear Me speaking
to your heart? So many times, My little stable in your heart gets crowded.
So many things clutter My humble home within your heart. Sometimes there
is barely room for Me!"
WORDS OF MARY: "My little one,
I come among you to invite you to Bethlehem to participate in the greatest
of miracles. Your God visits His people in human form. So few come, my
beloved. Too few are willing to travel with Me to the humble abode of My
Son. Too few, My cenacle, too few will travel the distance from head to
heart. Too few ever hear My soft whisperings in their heart.
It takes time to silence the
human heart. So few take the time for the things of God. Even though, My
cenacle, time is all you have to present your case to God, to come to know
Him. So few invest it wisely!
(In a mental vision, I saw Our
Lady in so much light. She gently picked up Her Baby (also luminous) and
very carefully, slowly, She handed Him to me.)
"Let Him soothe you, quiet your
inner being and bring to your heart His Peace - so holy, so fragile, just
like Him.
Look into His sweet, angelic
Face. Let it soften your own. Hold His pleading, yet comforting gaze. Fill
your eyes with wonder and awe at the sight of your God made little. Remember,
My worldly children, your destiny - your beginning and your end - in God
- a God now made fragile - for you.
Feel His softness, next to your
hardness; His breath, so warm, in the cool and misty air. Let the touch
of Him and His breath upon your cheek soften and warm you. Hold His tiny
Hand - so soft, so little. Feel His grip as He tightly wraps His tiny fingers
around yours. He has a powerful hold on you, His creatures. Let Him hang
on, My dear ones! For this is why He came - to draw you to Him through
His tenderness and gentleness and then, to grip at your heart!
Touch His little head. Cup it
so gently in the palms of your hands. So many receive Him into the palms
of their hands. Do they recognize the tiny Babe's head - so delicate -
when He is placed into their hands? Too few - too few! There is no time
to remember your God become precious Babe!
Run your finger over His tiny
ear. The ears of your God! Press your lips close to His ear and whisper
how much you love Him. Let it be the echo of your love that fills His ears
when the gavel drops against Him. Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Touch His soft
shoulder. Pat it gently to comfort Him. An exceedingly heavy Cross shall
one day be laid upon this tiny shoulder. Kiss it, My beloved child! Touch
His little foot wiggling out of His wrappings. Look upon the tiny foot
within the palm of your hand! Lift it to your lips. Imprint your kiss where
the nail will penetrate. Unravel His tiny fingers from the fist he has
made. Lift His hand to your lips and mark the spot of the nail with your
Hear Him crying! Press the Baby
Jesus to your heart - Heart to heart! For this is what He wants! This is
what will most console Him - nearness to you. He wants to hear your heart
beating against His chest. He wants to feel your warmth next to Him. Your
tears mingling with His. He wants an all encompassing embrace from you!
Love, for love! Shh! He's stopped crying now! Gently place Him in His crib.
Thank you for coming to welcome My Son.
O, My beloved cenacle - take
the time to come! Come to Bethlehem's stable and see your God become so
little. Lock out the world, for a spell, to take this journey with Me,
the Mother of the Christ-Child. I long to place My Baby into the arms of
the children of My predilection, who arrive at this Holy Place only by
My invitation and direction.
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