through December 1995 Messages To Lena Shipley
a vision of a hand
I saw a vision of a hand - the
Hand of God. The hand was very large and as it approached the cenacle it
became larger. As it approached, it slowly opened. Within it were the instruments
of torture used in the Passion.
The message:
Because I call you sons and daughters,
I offer you a share in My fortune - My Kingdom. (I then saw a vision of
the waters of Baptism being poured upon us. The water turned into blood.)
My Beloved Mother, the repository
of the Golden Keys, has clearly drawn the line of demarcation. My children,
if you are not for me, you are against me. If against me, the Source of
your life and light, you are for death and eternal darkness. My children,
choose wisely and do not look back. Do not be clinging to the last straw
of worldly delight.
You have been made poor - poor
in spirit, through the dispensation of Graces from the Immaculate Heart;
only to be made rich in My Kingdom.
You will be made to carry within
your heart the weight of agony within your families, your communities,
your world. O, what a heavy weight this shall be for you - to see so many
turn away.
You will be made to wear the
crown of thorns at the hands of those who persecute you and mock you.
You will carry the cross in sorrow
and fatigue as you tread the last few steps of this century. You will be
nailed to it with the pointed nails of the Truth, in the hour when compromise
shall be no more. And you shall die to this world as you know it now when
the fires of My love descend to purify all that is worthy, to vanquish
all that is not.
(Our Lady came forward with a
beautiful crown for the cenacle. I knew it my heart the knowledge that
it is Her privilege to bestow it upon us.)
Do not turn back. Look! See the
crown prepared for you. You have been blessed with the Holy Annointing
of the martyrs.
All that I have belongs to you,
My Faithful. Fear not, the heavenly hosts shall bear you up. The Blessed
Trinity shall reside with you. Keep your hearts pure, moment by moment,
for you know not when Heaven shall intervene in time. Move forward toward
the light with Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth.
7-12-95 ROSARY MOUND I come to
you under My most sublime title, "Seat of Wisdom"
I saw a huge, ornate chair. (Like
a throne covered with jewels) Our Lady said:
I come to you under My most sublime
title, "Seat of Wisdom". I invite you to approach Me tonight under this
title. First, rid your hearts of worldly wisdom so as to approach the Wisdom
of God with pure, child-like simplicity. Because, my little ones, God's
wisdom does not resemble the wisdom of this world. The wisdom of this world
has built for itself towers of babel which will come crashing down. Seek
God's Wisdom!
My cenacle, you allow many things
to block the way of Peace, which I have laid out for you. You are sometimes
filled with confusion because you lay upon yourselves many unnecessary
and burdensome laws. You are often preoccupied with your own progress toward
holiness. It is only God who sifts hearts. He knows your heart even better
than you do. It is for you to keep striving to please God. You seek to
know many things. You turn here and there - to printed word.
My children, the wisdom of the
world fills volumes. The wisdom of God fills the heart. Ask yourselves,
how to I love - in my daily life? Am I growing in love - in my family,
with my co-workers, with my neighbors? If you have not grown in love, My
many words have not penetrated your hearts, only your ears.
The wisdom of God is rooted in
Allow yourselves to be led by
your Mother to Love. Simplify your hearts, keeping them pure moment to
moment. I am the Mother of Wisdom. Allow yourselves to be led by Me - away
from the clutter of this world toward Love and Peace.
07-19-95 ROSARY MOUND My ever
present desire for you has been prayer from your hearts.
Many times I have called you
to prayer! Through the centuries My constant appeal to you has been for
prayer. Never before have my pleas been so intense, so urgent as today.
My ever present desire for you
has been prayer from your hearts. It is only through prayer from your hearts
will you find joy in prayer. For your joy is Jesus - the object of prayer;
Jesus - the Source of prayer; Jesus - the goal of prayer.
My cenacle, open your hearts
to Jesus when you pray. Set aside your own will so that you can hear His
whisperings within your hearts. Listen to Him!
O, My beloved, if only you could
taste and behold His goodness when you pray! Your prayer would be sheer
Your Mother has often spoken
to you of prayer from the heart. But you find it so difficult to set aside
your self love.
I wish to lead you to the joys
of Heaven. Come! Enter into the sanctuary of your own hearts where God
dwells. Let your Mother help you to knock down the doors of your self love
to find a greater love always waiting to welcome you. You will not be able
to find this way unless you are walking along the Path of Divine Love.
Divine Love is the key that will open the door of your inner sanctuary
- to that great joy and peace that awaits you in prayer.
I invite you to discover the
way of heart-prayer. Once you find it - guard it and keep it for it shall
be this 'pearl of great price' that will sustain you in the final phase
of the chastisements in which the world now finds itself.
Peace, My cenacle. You are My
highly favored children for you have heard My cry and have responded with
true generosity of Spirit.
My Beloved Cenacle,
Long has been the day of your
visitation! Many have been the words that have poured forth from Heaven
upon your dry and parched land like a refreshing dew. My words were meant
to revitalize the dry and parched soil of human hearts. This soil was then
meant to yield back to the Lord a rich and plentiful harvest. My words
were meant to reawaken your sleeping spirits and renew the God-life within.
My words were meant to enlighten darkened consciences.
The world had become a vast wasteland
filled with walking corpses. God saw the vastness of this spiritual devastation.
He saw that the idolatry of materialism threatened to choke every trace
of God-life in souls. Satan was having his day and basking in the glory.
From the very beginning, God
afforded me the final victory over His arch enemy. The time had arrived.
My day had come. In the beginning of My visitation, a harvest of hearts
seemed promising. Many were turning away from sin. Hearts were opening
and turning back to God and away from the many forms of idolatry that Satan
had sown upon the earth. But now, My Cenacle! Have you become so accustomed
to My voice that my words are lulling you back to sleep? Where are the
promising conversions?
O, My cenacle, many are turning
away from Me! Many of my little ones follow voices that tickle their ears.
I solemnly assure you, My little ones - in this age of prophecy - all is
not from God. Do not listen to prophecy that does not glorify God. Rather,
these words glorify the creature. Satan is clever - a cunning liar. You
behold your Mother weeping this night because you are not yet aware of
the tests before you. You, my cenacle, must be very brave, very trusting
of your Mother - like children. You must remain ever close to My Immaculate
Heart, or you shall be scathed in the time of the greatest test before
you. I beg you not to stray away from your consecrations, from prayer of
the heart, from the cenacle that I have formed for you. I weep this night
because you do not yet know how cunning is the great deceiver. He will
catch you unaware if you continue to cloud your lives with superfluous,
useless information that is not of God.
My Beloved cenacle, you behold
me weeping this night because the time afforded for my visitation upon
earth will soon be expended. The hour of the greatest of trials will then
begin. For this hour, I have been preparing you. But many have allowed
attentions to be diverted; consequently, My words are being lost. The hour
is coming when you shall see; you shall believe that all I have said is
true. But if you waiver today in the promises of your consecrations; your
moment of seeing and believing will be a time of your greatest lamentation.
Satan is cunning. He is a liar and his greatest lies are shrouded in a
false beauty.
My Beloved, stay together! When
you shall no longer hear my voice, strengthen one another and reflect upon
my messages to you. Know this, I will never really be separated from you.
I shall always be with you -standing at the foot of your cross bearing
you up and loving you as only your Heavenly Mother ever could.
many still do not realize that prayer is the key that opens every door,
in the spiritual sense
Speak to My cenacle about prayer.
So many still do not realize that prayer is the key that opens every door,
in the spiritual sense. How many times has your Mother spoken of prayer?
I have invited you to enter into prayer. I have admonished you not to give
it up. Indeed, I have begged My children in every part of the world to
pray ceaselessly. Never before has prayer been so important as in these
days when Satan is attempting to block off all avenues that lead to God.
But many of My children still
do not understand what prayer really means. If they did, they would discover
a portion of the glory of Heaven. If they understood prayer, they would
experience great peace and joy! This misunderstanding is so because so
many pray with their lips, instead of with their hearts.
My dear ones, see how cold and
impersonal are your worldly business dealings. It is so because you conduct
these business arrangements with your heads, not your hearts. How much
richer would be your interpersonal relationships if you loved one another.
I tell you, My little ones, that you do not act with love toward one another.
If you did, the world would be transformed. Often, you tolerate one another
superficially. Many of My children relate to their God - their Creator,
the Lover of their souls - in much the same way.
My dear cenacle, do you forget
that God knows your innermost being. He knows your heart. He loves you
in a way no creature ever could. Will you take these thoughts with you
when you pray? Only then can you begin to enter into real and effective
communication with God. When you speak to God, believe what you say and
say what you believe! When you call God "Father", relish the tenderness
that the word father expresses. Begin to pray the words that you speak.
How it pains the Heart of God
when His children speak words to Him as though He really were not listening.
He listens to their multiplicity of words. He sees their struggle. He feels
their laborous effort. He wants to gather them all in His tender Heart
and say: 'Be still, My daughter.' 'Be still, My Son. Hush for a moment.
Stop and look at Me. Be still, My child and know that I am God - your God,
your Savior, your Teacher. I am your Friend. I am the Spouse of your soul.
These discoveries, My cenacle, you shall make when you discover prayer.
Many have heard My Motherly appeal
- My call to prayer. Few have responded with constancy, docility and with
enlightened spiritual eyes and ears. It will be these few who will lead
the many; because it is these few who have heard the echos of Heaven in
their soul. These few truly know their Jesus who is their way, their truth
and the life of their soul.
He awaits you. He still thirsts
for souls and longs to embrace you in prayer. Approach Him upon His throne.
He is so lonely upon His throne of the Tabernacle. His pain and mine intensify
in these last days when He longs to be heard by His own in the world. He
must be heard in this critical, decisive hour! Prayer - prayer of the heart
- is the way.
08-16-95 ROSARY MOUND I come
to you tonight as the Keeper of the Keys - the keys to the Heart of God.
My Beloved Cenacle,
I come to you tonight as the
Keeper of the Keys - the keys to the Heart of God. I come to you as the
caretaker of your souls, souls that I nourish with a multitude of graces
from the Heart of your Creator. I am forming you into the image of My Son.
Why, then, my children, do you
worry about so many trifles? Why do you fear when the waves of adversity
rise up around your boat? Do you not know that Jesus rests within you?
Awaken Him! Call to Him just as did the first apostles.
As His disciples did, so do you
trek the same path that you now follow as you meditate on the circle of
our lives. You live the joyful mysteries when you rise to the call of God
in your lives - to ministry, to evangelization. You give birth to Jesus
in your world when His light shines forth from you. You present yourselves
to God by way of your consecrations to My Heart. You find Him in the poor,
the lonely and abandoned.
You live the sorrowful mysteries
both when you suffer physically and interiorly as you make your way across
this desert of life. You suffer in your infirmities of the body and you
suffer agonies of the heart - often more intense than pain in your body.
You crucify the flesh as more and more of your human frailties are replaced
with virtue. I am with you, just as I was for My Son. You are my children
whom I accompany on your way of the cross!
My cenacle, I come to tell you
that if you are truly living my words, you can begin to realize the glorious
mysteries in your hearts! I have come to prepare all souls to live in the
Kingdom of God. Despite the absence of peace in the world, you can live
the first three glorious mysteries. You live the Resurrection through the
Eucharist - Jesus Eternal presence among you. You have ascended the mountain
of glory when you recognize Him in your midst. The Holy Spirit is upon
you and continues His work in you through your Mother.
My Beloved, if my words have
not become lost, you shall come to know the glory to which you have been
Peace! Peace! There is no peace
in the world, but the hearts who have been touched by Grace know true peace!
My Cenacle, the last two glorious
mysteries are your heritage. You are sons and daughters of royalty! It
is your Mother's charge to ready her children to live eternally in the
royal mansions of Heaven.
In these bleak days of warfare,
cling to the hope of your heritage.
08-23-95 ROSARY MOUND Prayer
strengthens our spiritual perception of how things really are
(Our Lady gave me a private message
admonishing me for letting down my guard (of prayer). She told me that
when we let down our prayer guard, the devil acts just like a bully who
picks on a much weaker person. She told me to pray more and worry less
about worldly concerns. Prayer strengthens our spiritual perception of
how things really are. Lack of prayer weakens that perception, causing
us to drift into the world of things.)
I asked her why it was so difficult
to put together the message for tonight. She said that the devil is trying
to block Her Voice. She told me to ask my angel who is a heavenly messenger
to make clearer her words for me so that I can relay them to the cenacle.
(This I did and the words came together easily.)
First, I saw a very ornate, gold
treasure chest which represented Heaven's treasury of grace. Our Lady was
dispensing graces to the whole world. The graces were pouring forth like
a thick mist in rays over the world.
Our Lady said: My Dear Cenacle,
I visit you tonight as the Heavenly
Queen arrayed in gold to commemorate the Church's observance of My universal
and celestial Queenship. I am the Sign for your times - the sign of God's
Mercy. I am the Mercy of God. I have come to paint the final portrait of
the Merciful Heart of the Triune God. God's Mercy spans from generation
to generation and His Merciful Heart has been scorned in every generation.
Today, I have called an army
together to help me proclaim and dispense Mercy to poor, lost souls. I
fear some of my little ones who form my army are becoming My prodigal children.
The graces that I bring are being squandered. They are being held loosely
and are flowing through your fingers like grains of sand falling to the
ground. The graces I bring are being trampled under foot - taken for granted
or rejected altogether. My words are beginning to fall on deaf ears.
I solemnly assure you that the
curtain is falling on the last act of the drama of life. God's curtain
fell upon the world on Calvary, ripping asunder the old order. The first
apostles were left the task of forming the early Church. Now, as the curtain
falls upon the last act (of Mercy) the remnant will be left to rebuild
the glorious Church - all shining and new.
You, my cenacle, are living this
last act! As the catastrophic events loom larger on the horizon of time
-events that will draw down the curtain of this age, you, my chosen ones,
must persevere. Remain faithful to the graces I am dispensing. If you only
understood how rich in graces you are! Stand firm, my cenacle, as you await
the curtain of God rise on the New Church.
08-31-95 ROSARY MOUND Hear now
the voice of your Shepherd who comes among the sheepfold to join My Sorrowful
My Tender, Budding Hearts,
Hear now the voice of your Shepherd
who comes among the sheepfold to join My Sorrowful Mother. Hear My Voice
calling you together to form a great wall of resistance to the mighty warrior,
Lucifer, who seeks to complete his path of destruction.
God's intervention in time is
once again at hand. O, that it's severity could have been prevented! But
no, it was not to be! Nothing of the old order can be spared. Not one stone
shall hide beneath another! All shall be shaken! All purified!
Now the Mother and the Son, always
together, stand in your midst - gathering all who have heard our voices
to come together.
I thirst for souls. Please bring
them to Me. Suffer, My tender buds, for souls. Waste not the slightest
ache. Suffer, in unison with Us, for souls. Pray, My little hearts, only
for souls. Offer ceaseless prayers - for lost souls. Sacrifice, My intimate
companions, for souls. Every action, every discipline, only for lost souls.
Console Me. Apply balm to My
wounded Heart, with your
visitations. I await you within
the confines of the
Tabernacle. These visitations
- make for lost souls.
O, Beloved of My Heart, hear
your Shepherd. The time is near for the harvesting. The first of the painful
arrows makes it's descent to earth plotted against the false god of money.
As it strikes, the mask of false security shall shatter. Just the beginning
of sorrows!
Remember the compassionate sound
of My voice whispering to your souls - There is no loss, save the loss
of the immortal soul! The illuminating fire from Heaven shall also descend
upon mankind revealing to those, especially in the West, that they have
alligned themselves with the imposter.
Your hour has arrived, O Cenacle
of Prayer, to stand together as a towering sentinel - a mighty, resolute
wall of resistance - against the legions of hell soon to infiltrate your
world with Satan, the Antichirst, as their leader. Your hour has arrived,
O vigilent Cenacle, to be astute in recognizing the Voice of your Commander-in-Chief.
Allign yourself with Heaven's Army, stand firm, stand together and trust
09-06-95 ROSARY MOUND My Mother
has prepared the way for My intervention in time.
The Beloved Sheep of My Mother's
I am among you, My sheep, who
have been drawn together in the sheepfold of My Mother's Immaculate Heart.
It is in cenacles of prayer that She is forming the apostles of the last
times. It is here that She is nourishing My sheep with graces from My Father's
Bounty. It is here, My little ones, that you have been planted and are
now budding into the fruit of the Vine.
My Mother has prepared the way
for My intervention in time. She has tilled the soil of the many hearts
who have heard Her voice in the world. She has set up many signs that lead
to the Kingdom of My Heart! She has been the greatest Illumination God
has ever sent to warn mankind of its' destructive path.
The hour has come when My presence
will be made manifest more and more among My sheepfold - the sheepfold
My Mother has readied to receive Me.
You have all felt the heavy weight
of sin upon your shoulders. The whole world is in the grip of Satan! You
are feeling it's effect in your lives. You are feeling the pull as the
whole world is drawn toward selfishness, apathy, indifference, carnage
and pride.
The hour has come when the Treasure
hidden within all the Tabernacles of the world will explode into glory
among you! Multitudes shall wail as in great torment when it is realized
that such a great Treasure dwelt among them and was left untapped! A Treasure
- left unmined! A Glory - unnoticed! The Glorious Star whose Light never
lead the many who preferred the darkness!
My perpetual presence in the
Blessed Sacrament - ignored, scoffed at, rejected; and by so many Catholics
whom I have given Myself as a free Gift!
Listen, My sheep who hear My
voice! My enemies, even now, plot to erase My presence among you just as
they did in Galillee. You must work to nullify their malicious and insidious
designs! (Our Lady's voice - Pray! Fast! Sacrifice - for sinners!) You
must be the gift of charity to one another. Where there is a lack, another
must fill. Where there is sorrow, another must console. Where there is
a heavy weight, another must relieve it.
How well have you listened to
the Spotless One whom I have sent to you? There should be no unequal proportions
among you! For I solemnly assure you, I am coming back! I am coming to
level every mountain. I am coming to fill every valley. I am coming to
set captives free, to raise up the lowly and bring down the proud. I am
coming with genuine liberty and genuine justice to all humankind.
I am already at the door! Look
to the Tabernacle whose door shall open in a blaze of glory - to My friends
- who shall exalt and rejoice; to My enemies - who shall shudder in terror!
come to you as your Mother of Sorrows
My Beloved Cenacle,
(I saw a vision of Our Lady dressed
in red, crying tears of blood. She was surrounded by seven angels holding
embers that appeared as red hot coals. These embers seemed to float away
from the hands of the angels and form a crown of sorrow over Our Lady's
Our Lady said, "I come to you
as your Mother of Sorrows - crowned with these seven embers that this depraved
humanity has set upon My Immaculate Heart. These present day sorrows scorch
and brand my Heart with their torturous imprint.
O, My Cenacle of the Cross, I
ask you to relieve your Mother's Sorrowful Heart by your faithfulness and
astute carrying out of My messages.
Your Mother relives the sorrows
of Her youth - sorrows of a day gone by; yet, relived now - sorrows rekindled
with greater ferocity.
Help me to bear the prophetic
sorrow of Revelation which unfolds in your time. The prophecy of Simeon
- fulfilled on Calvary; yet, is a prophecy reborn with the Birth of My
Son's Church. It's fulfillment is now eminent.
The sorrowful ember presses intensely
upon My Heart as I witness the Great Apostacy - humanity's flight away
from the refuge of Truth into the desert of error.
The pain of loss is renewed in
my Heart as the world suffers the loss of faith. I feel the grievous loss
of souls as they fall into eternal flames. My Heart is branded anew with
each soul that is lost.
My Beloved Cenacle, your prayers
ease My sorrow as I must behold the downcast eyes of my persecuted little
ones who comprise My army - just as I met My sorrowful Son along His way
to the summit of the Hill of Sacrifice.
My Heart experiences the Crucifixion
again as the Great Apostacy spreads like a forest fire out of control.
And, as I revealed at Fatima, from my eyes flow tears like rain as the
world awaits the bloody martyrdom of My Son's beloved Mystical Body.
My Heart sobs - dry, tearless
sobs - as I must be forced once again to hold within My Immaculate Heart,
the lifeless, crucified Church.
My Beloved little souls, I lie
prostrate before the Cross of Jesus on behalf of poor humanity as it awaits
the hour of immense darkness under which it will be buried for three long
Console My, My Cenacle. Pray--
Pray, in honor of My Seven Dolors
of yesterday.
Pray, in union with Me as I bear
My Seven Dolors of today.
Pray, in hopeful anticipation
of the glories we shall share tomorrow - where every tear shall
be wiped dry - where the sorrows
past shall become our glories forever.
harvest is about to be gathered!
My Beloved Cenacle,
I speak tonight as your Mother
of the Harvest. My dear, dear children, God's harvest is about to be gathered!
The realization of God's plan is at hand!
Give thanks and adoration for
the reward of the faithful is soon to be upon you.
My Cenacle, I am with you so
long to lead you along the road to God's harvest. I have been with you
to teach you the way of peace. My consecrated ones know well that true
peace is much more than the absence of war and violence. The peace that
I have brought to you is far beyond the false peace your worldly comforts
have brought you.
My beloved, the excesses of this
nation have blocked God's peace from entering hearts fully. This bloated
and puffed up nation has little use for God. I solemnly assure you that
it knows not His Peace, the peace that cannot be understood by the worldly.
I have also told you that worldly
loss is spiritual gain for those who trust and love the Merciful God. For
He gives you not what you deserve, both as a nation and individually for
your sins; but, He gives what His Fatherly Heart desires to give you. He
lavishes you with His love and mercy. My presence among you is testimony
to God's bounty upon the world.
My Cenacle, My presence among
you in this fashion soon draws to completion as we prepare together for
the harvesting. Even as we draw nearer to our triumph over evil, be cautious
not to conclude your own timetable - as the hour of the final victory is
known only to God.
I have come to sow seeds of peace
in your hearts. I have continued My visitations that I might nurture the
seeds of life planted within you by the Holy Spirit. I have been with you
so long to cultivate the ground of your hearts and ready them for the harvesting.
As you observe the thanksgiving
of the natural fruits of your soil, look with hope to the Thanksgiving
Day to come - the Triumph of My Heart, the celebration of the supernatural
fruits within the soil of your hearts - in which you all have a share.
My Beloved consecrated ones,
the hearts of my own are pregnant with the seed of the Kingdom of God.
We await its birth - the birth that you pray for daily - the birth that
will mark a dramatic movement of the Spirit over this globe. This new birth
shall render back to God a rich harvest. I give you this Thanksgiving message
so that you will accept with docility the changes that will bring about
this new birth. As change overshadows you, look with firm hope to the Thanksgiving
Day of the Lord when all that is His shall be returned to Him in a rich,
bountiful harvest.
come tonight to announce a year of sorrows for the Church
My Dear Cenacle,
Vision: I saw Our Lady dressed
in dark clothes (like a Monk's habit). Her head was bowed. She was crying.
All seemed dark around her. Her hands were in front of her. One was cupped
over the other. When She lifted one hand, I saw a very bright luminous
globe of light. It lit up everything - Her face, all around her. Then she
put her hand back over the globe of light and everything was dark again.
She lifted her hand up for the second time. There was now a bright, luminous
heart exposed. This heart again lit up everything. Again, she put her hand
over the bright heart. Darkness came again. Our Lady lifted her hand for
the third time. This time a bright key was exposed. This luminous key lit
up the surroundings. When she put her hand over the key, darkness came
The understanding I received
from this scene was that the lighted symbols in her hand represented Jesus.
He alone brings light. Our Lady, Herself, is not the light. It is Jesus
she comes to bear to the world. He alone is the light in the darkness.
It is for us to see His light, enter into His Heart. Then He is our key
to Heaven.
"I come tonight to announce a
year of sorrows for the Church, for the whole of humanity. I come bearing
within My Hands the Light of Hope. This Light! What is this bright light,
you ask? It is the light of Bethlehem, My beloved. It is the bright Star
of David that arises for all of you every Christmas. I offer you this light.
Do not leave it at the stable. Take it, My children. Take it into your
A new year of sorrows begins
for you, My poor little rich children! Poor - because you must now endure
the birth pangs of a new birth; Rich - because you are heirs to a glorious
kingdom. I come also with the gift of peace for your poor hearts. I say
to you to be not afraid as the crosses of adversity - natural calamities,
diseases, humanity's antagonisms resulting in wars - rise continuously
around the globe.
How can your Mother say to you,
"Do not be afraid in the face of such sorrows?" Because I bring you your
Star of Hope - your way, your truth, your life and light! Your Star of
Hope will reveal to you the way through the sorrows ahead. Your Star of
Hope will illuminate for you the secret, often hidden truths of God's innermost
thoughts - the fullness of His plan of salvation as it is fulfilled in
these last, turbulent hours. Your Star of Hope shall be the light that
leads you to the New Jerusalem - God's kingdom come upon the earth.
Star of Hope - Jesus, in the
and in the Blessed Sacrament!!
Be stouthearted, be courageous,
My little ones, as My Mantle spreads over all of you as your protection.
The darkness of evil has never, will never extinguish your light of hope,
your Star of David. Your Saviour, Jesus, is here with you. Streaming from
His Heart is Mercy unrestrained. It flows over the vast wasteland. It fills
every valley. Mingled with this current of My Son's Love for humanity flow
My tears for a lost civilization who can neither see the Light of Hope
that God has sent to earth in the Christ-child nor can it soak up the nourishing,
life-giving torrents of His Mercy.
I leave you with My motherly
plea. Take this light which burns brightly in your hearts. Light up the
night that has fallen upon your world. Take the light everywhere through
every moment that ticks away the New Year that dawns. Wherever there exists
the oil of faith, your light shall ignite a new light - My cenacle - your
light MUST ignite new lights. Make haste - for your Bridegroom comes! And
because He comes, your hearts can find joy - through suffering. Although
heavily laden with sorrows, you will arrive safely.
I am with you.