A Call To Holiness

January through June 1995 Messages To Lena Shipley

01-13-95 ANGIE'S CENACLE When you come together in Cenacle you come home

(I saw an image of Our Lady, hands outstretched, in luminous white standing in front of a white, luminous Cross.) She said, first to me: Daughter, allow my words to settle upon your heart like the dew settles upon the earth with the promise of Spring. My words speak of the promise of a new, Eternal Springtime. Thank you for consecrating your faculties to me so that I may use you to speak to my children. My children need to know that I am with them as they suffer and await the Age of the Spirit. Do not be anxious about remembering. Does not God always complete the good work that He begins?

My Dear Cenacle, Praised be the Christ-Child, flesh of My flesh, born in a stable in Bethlehem! Praised be My Crucified Jesus, slain for the sins of the human race. Praised be Jesus Christ, Victorious King, who is returning in all His Splendor!

My dear ones, you are many parts to a whole - brothers and sisters in the Spirit. You come, tonight, from many places and backgrounds. When you come together as a Cenacle with your Mother, you come home. You come home - out of the cold, indifferent world - to be warmed by the Love of Jesus and the Love of My Immaculate Heart. When you come together in Cenacle, you come home - to be fed and nourished with words from Heaven. (heavenly food) When you come together in Cenacle, you come home - to be protected and armed for the battle that is being waged for your souls.

My dear ones, the battle between God, His angels and the enemy grows intense. Will you strengthen your resolve to continue the fight for souls with the chain of the Rosary? The world will laugh at you and mock you, saying, "That chain will not put food on your tables! That chain will not bind up your wounds!" Will you, even then, remain my little ones - humble and committed to the armor of the Rosary that I have given to you?

My Cenacle, will you stand firm as the storm swirls up around you, threatening to overcome you? I cannot promise that you will not loose your possessions, your false securities. I cannot promise you will not suffer bodily harm. But I can promise you victory. I can promise that all will be gain if what you loose be for Christ. I can promise that many here will see the dawn of the Age of the Spirit - a new world renewed and filled with Light, with goodness, peace and love I am with you.

6-7-95 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Continue to keep your spirit open to My Voice crying out in the wilderness.

My daughter,

Continue to keep your spirit open to My Voice crying out in the wilderness. Continue to open wide the doors of your heart to faith - faith in the presence of God in your soul, and in His continuing plan of salvation in His Church and in the world. Keep open the doors of your heart to hope - hope in the fulfillment of God's mysterious and wonderful plan, hope in your resurrection from the jaws of death (in sin) and hope in a new life lived in harmony with God's Will in a glorious new era. Keep open the doors of your heart to love - the love of God that is incomprehensible to you now but which surrounds you - literally engulf you as the air that you breathe.

Speak to the Cenacle about Love - it's call to total sacrifice to the Will of God, total sacrifice to one another.

I know that My Voice sometimes becomes a distant whispering - unnoticed through the noise of this world and the busyness which engulf you. But, my daughter, please stay attuned! The Cenacle needs to hear the encouraging, yet often pleading voice of it's Mother, who has been sent from Heaven to lead it and all those others called to share in the jubilance of victory over Satan.

My Cenacle, you have been sent out into the world like sheep amidst wolves. You, my docile sheep, are walking among legends of demons - demons in the air and creatures oppressed and possessed by them.

Your Mother now calls you to gird yourselves with the impenetrable armor of Love. I am calling you to complete sacrifice to Love. Make every action, word and thought each day a sacrifice to Love. The antidote to the pervasive hatred that has overcome the world like a flood - is Love.

My Cenacle, build for yourselves a sturdy shelter for the small community I have formed among you. This shelter will be laid by the acts of love you perform. Do for one another that which your Heavenly Mother would do if She lived and worked among you. I have formed you as community because you need one another. As the light and warmth of God's protection diminish, you will need one another more and more.

The shelter of love that you build together today will sustain you and protect you in the days to come when the dark and the cold hover over the whole world. Let the shelter of love that you build today be your light and your warmth when the world becomes frigid and black.

Love one another with acts of self-sacrifice. Build on Love, My Cenacle. Prepare to live in the Kingdom of God's Love. Stay together! Do not wander away from this Cenacle! For this Cenacle is the refuge that I have built for you; most especially for the sorrowful days to come. You are each here by My invitation and God's design. Stay together. Build Love together with your Mother at your side.

6-14-95 ROSARY MOUND "Tonight I come to you as the Protectress of your souls

I saw Our Lady with a very large mantle being held up by what seemed to be hundreds of small angels. Her mantle was the most beautiful color of deep blue. She said:

"Tonight I come to you as the Protectress of your souls. My children, do you see the length and depth and breadth of My Mantle - formed into an ark to carry all of My consecrated children over the tumultuous sea of these latter days to the journey's end.

My beloved little ones are being fiercely rocked to and fro by the enemy assaults. So many of you are opening the door to the devils by entertaining vindictive thoughts. Many are allowing the devils to raise the dust of past hurts arising out of a lack of Divine Love. Many are being plagued with thoughts of doubts and discouragement. So many are bringing dishonor to My Son's immense sacrifice by judging others. My Beloved, leave the judgment to God! I solemnly declare to you that many, even many of the elect, will loose their faith due to a lack of trust in God during the sorrowful time to come. Therefore, do not judge poor sinners! Rather, mystically place them into My Heart and the Heart of My Son.

Do not give the devils entrance into your heart. I give you this prayer in times of attack. Call upon Me. Keep focused upon Me and My Son. Stay awake so that you can recognize the enemy assaults, which will increasingly grow stronger.

'Protectress of my soul, Mary, Queen clothed with

the sun; who, by God's Holy Will, has been given

the privilege of obtaining for us the final victory

over evil, protect me from the spirits of the damned.

Protect me for I am one of your consecrated souls,

hidden within your Immaculate Heart and washed in

the Blood of your Son. Mother, Protectress of my

soul, keep me safe.'

Stand firm, my cenacle, during times of attack. Pray, stay focused. Remember the apostles upon the stormy sea. Jesus will calm the waves. Trust and pray. I am with you.

6-21-95 ROSARY MOUND You are not even aware of all that God is doing for you.

My Cenacle, How good is your God! You have a Father in Heaven who so loves you that His blessings upon you through your Mother seem endless!

You cannot see the multitudes of Holy Angels and contemptuous devils who are fighting to win your souls! As the battle grows more intense, you are not even aware of all that God is doing for you.

I have come to enlighten you so that you will know inwardly the signs of the times. You will feel the weight of these times within your soul just as Jesus felt the weight of the history of evil in the Garden of Gethsemane. Just as the sky predicts an impending storm, so too will the interior of your soul predict for you the climactic and divisive hours of the battle of all battles.

I come this evening in and through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring you the inner strength to endure, to recognize and to persevere as you come into these hours of the chastisement.

I come tonight, through the voice of My messenger, to tell you that you now must drink from the cup of My Son's Agony in Gethsemane. When you taste the bitterness of the absence of God's protective Hand, you will know you are entering the most sorrowful, most torturous hours of His Passion which has now become the Passion of His Church - His Body on earth of which you all belong.

Allow yourselves to be strengthened by Me, your ever-present Mother, who stands at the foot of every cross.

Allow yourselves to be carried in My arms when your strength is spent and your securities begin to crumble down around your feet.

Allow yourselves to be consoled by Me when your persecutors rally around you like rapacious wolves.

I tell you solemnly, when you begin to feel the weight of the darkness of evil upon your soul, know that the hour of the triumph of darkness is upon you. Know, too, that the hour of the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart will soon cast a golden glow over the hearts of My consecrated ones.

Fear not, for although suffering comes but for a moment, joy comes forth with the morning of the New Age of Glory, where My Son will once again reign as King of Kings over His Bride the Church.

6-28-95 Wednesday Cenacle I saw interiorly, a cement wall - very high, very thick and very wide

Daughter, write what I will show you. My Holy Spirit will illuminate the hearts of My people. Together they will understand its' meaning.

I saw interiorly, a cement wall - very high, very thick and very wide. It seemed to appear in the midst of a journey or exodus in the desert. Our Lady's army, a large number of people, reached this place. This wall represented an obstacle to us. We could not proceed any further. We became very restless, the sun beat down upon us. We could find no pure water to drink. We became weak. Many began to curse God and fight among each other. Some turned away. The situation seemed hopeless. Those that turned to walk away were fired at by enemy artillery. Some dropped to the ground. Some remained at the cement wall - crying and pleading to Jesus and Mary to rescue them as the enemy troops were gaining ground. It seemed as though all would be crushed under the stampede. The whole scene was horrifying. For all of our praying, hoping and trusting - it would appear that we came up against a humanly impossible situation. Before us - an insurmountable wall; behind us, the enemy gaining ground on us. Looking up into the sky through tears and screams, could be seen a large white, shining Cross. From it, on the right, hung a huge Rosary that also was luminous. From the other arm of the Cross dripped drops of blood. The Crucified Jesus materialized upon the Cross. His Voice could be heard in all its sorrow, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." The earth began to quake. The sun that had previously beaten down upon us started to grow dim. The wall cracked open a passageway. There were only a few who were still close enough to the wall to see it and pass through. Many had turned away. Many had despaired. Those who did pass through were safe on the other side. Those who were left behind remained in total blackness. Those who passed through were guided by the light of the Cross and the Rosary that remained lit.

Jesus said,

" I solemnly assure you, the night is coming when no man shall sleep. An impenetrable wall has arisen within My Church - the wall of apostasy. This barrier is obstructing the light of truth from penetrating the hearts of My people.

An impenetrable wall has arisen within the hearts of My people - the wall of arrogance. They no longer desire truth nor do they seek after wisdom. Rather, they cling to the darkness of their pride and self-love.

An impenetrable wall has arisen in your country - a wall made with the cement of materialism and greed. Your laws no longer rule the people with equity and justice for all. Injustice reigns in your land. But, I solemnly assure you that, with the night that is coming when no man shall sleep, will also come the toppling of all those walls.

You, My Mother's consecrated ones, the balm of My Wounds, must remain steadfast. Trust that I am with you always - loving you with every beat of My Heart, forgiving you with every drop of My Blood and sustaining you with nourishment from the treasury who is the Mother that we mutually share.

Have I promised you a smooth path strewn with delights of an earthly kind? No, I have promised you the road to Calvary strewn with thorns, persecutions and scourges! I have promised you a Cross atop your mount of suffering. A Cross - the doorway through which you will pass to glory - perfect beatitude, the majesty of which you cannot now imagine.

Do not allow the impenetrable walls to which you collide head-on lead you to despair. For I am coming! - To lay low these walls. I am coming to level every mountain and fill every valley. Trust. Remain in Mary, the Mother of all.