The Mark of the Beast
Subdermal Microchip
"Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the
LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat
of any tree of the garden'?" And the woman said to the serpent, "We
may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but God said, 'You shall not
eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall
you touch it, lest you die.'" But the serpent said to the woman, "You
will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes
will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Gn 3:1-5)
Out of Chaos' - The Motto of Freemasonry
Heaven has warned us of it for centuries. To be sure, the Mother of God has
appeared worldwide since the middle of the 19th century making every attempt to
get us to pray, fast and convert in an effort to avert it.
Now it is here.
During the last 25 years, private prophecy has been very specific: The Black Beast
as a leopard is Freemasonry (1). We have also been told
that it is Freemasonry, which is behind the
The premiere motto of Freemasonry is: 'Order Out Of Chaos'. Simply stated, they
intend to throw the complete world into a state of fear, panic and chaos. Once
they have succeeded in achieving worldwide chaos, they intend to solve it their
way --- with them in complete control.
To create such chaos Heaven has told us, and we are now seeing, that they will
use (a) nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional attacks upon man,
animals, crops, and water supplies from both terrorists and from warring
nations; (b) manipulation of all financial and commodity markets, including
energy, transportation and utilities; (c) manipulation of the food supply; and
(d) manipulation of the weather (2). .Once
an uncommon and pervasive fear has been established, they will force acceptance
of the subdermal microchip into the hand or forehead of
many survivors ---- but not all survivors. Those who accept the microchip in the hand will be monitored via
the Global Positioning Satellite System, and even have their minds controlled
by way of the microchip to worship the Antichrist.
Consider the 24th chapter of Isaiah, which reads:
"Lo, the LORD empties the land and lays it waste; he turns it upside down,
scattering its inhabitants: Layman and priest alike, servant and master, The maid
as her mistress, the buyer as the seller, The lender as the borrower, the
creditor as the debtor. The earth is utterly laid waste, utterly stripped, for the
LORD has decreed this thing. The earth mourns and fades, the world languishes
and fades; both heaven and earth languish. The earth is polluted because of its inhabitants, who have transgressed
laws, violated statutes, broken the ancient covenant. Therefore a curse devours
the earth, and its inhabitants pay for their guilt; Therefore
they who dwell on earth turn pale, and few men are left. The wine mourns, the
vine languishes, all the merry-hearted groan. Stilled
are the cheerful timbrels, ended the shouts of the jubilant, stilled is the
cheerful harp. They cannot sing and drink wine; strong drink is bitter to those
who partake of it. Broken down is the city of chaos, shut against entry, every
house. In the streets they cry out for lack of wine; all joy has disappeared
and cheer has left the land. In the city nothing remains but ruin; its gates are battered
and desolate. Thus it is within the land, and among the peoples, As with an olive tree after it is beaten, as with a gleaning
when the vintage is done. These lift up their voice in acclaim; from the sea
they proclaim the majesty of the LORD: "For this, in the coastlands, give
glory to the LORD! In the coastlands of the sea, to the name
of the LORD, the God of Israel!" From the end of the earth we hear
songs: "Splendor to the Just One!" But I said, "I am wasted,
wasted away. Woe is me! The traitors betray: with treachery have the traitors betrayed! Terror, pit, and trap are
upon you, inhabitant of the earth; He who flees at the sound of terror will fall into the pit; He who climbs out of
the pit will be caught in the trap. For the windows on high will be opened and the
foundations of the earth will shake. The earth will burst asunder, the
earth will be shaken apart, the earth will be
convulsed. The earth will reel like a drunkard, and it will sway like a hut; Its rebellion will weigh it down, until it falls, never to
rise again.
On that day the LORD will punish the host of the heavens in the heavens, and
the kings of the earth on the earth. They will be gathered together like
prisoners into a pit; They will be shut up in a
dungeon, and after many days they will be punished. Then the moon will blush
and the sun grow pale, For the LORD of hosts will
reign on
In the
Words of the Freemasons
Council on Foreign Relations, Bildergerger, Trilateralist and Former US
Secretary of State of the USA --- Henry Kissinger, in an address to the
Bilderberger organization meeting in Evian, France, states:
"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to
restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they
were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated,
that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world
will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing
every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual
rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being
granted to them by their world government." (Transcribed
from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates, May 21, 1992.)
Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger, Trilateralist and International
Banker-Financier …………………….……
"Some even believe we are part of a
secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with
others around the world to build a more integrated global political and
economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand
guilty, and I am proud of it." (David
Rockefeller, from his autobiography, Memoirs
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded
not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in
fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in
Rockefeller speaking at the Bilderberger meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany in
1991 (also attended by then Governor Bill Clinton), states,
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine
and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and
respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years." He went on
to explain: "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for
the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those
years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a
world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and
world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced
in past centuries." (1991)
also said:
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right
major crisis and the nations will accept the
Former US Secretary of Energy on the former US President Bill Clinton
(Clinton is a Bilderberger)
The following is a quote from Page 370 of Hope of the Wicked - The
Master Plan to Rule the World, by Ted Flynn (3) :
"As the drip of information about Chinese theft of U.S. nuclear secrets
slowly became a crescendo and threatened to turn into a landslide, the
anticipation of full disclosure by key congressional players that Clinton had
divested U.S. technology secrets to China for campaign contributions was
confirmed. Some congressmen were beginning to utter the "T-word" --- Treason
--- when they began speaking about the
A poll was taken in
The above mentioned terrorist attacks were definitely terrible and tragic. In
no way do we intend to make light of them. Having stated that, if so many
people were willing to sacrifice certain of their freedoms after one such attack,
imagine what they will be willing to do after a barrage of many worldwide
attacks of every nature.
In the days following the above mentioned attacks upon
If this sounds similar to the prophecy of the Book of Revelation, it should. Rv
13:16-18 reads:
forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be
given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads, so that no one
could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast's name or
the number that stood for its name. Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the
number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is
six hundred and sixty-six." (n.b. One can imagine
the difficulty that
…...A Sin that Will Not Be Forgiven…...
another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If any one worships
the beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he
also shall drink the wine of God's wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of his anger, and
he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels
and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever; and they have no rest,
day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives
the mark of its name." (Rv
As we see from the citation above, anyone who willingly accepts the subdermal
microchip placed in their body will go to Hell irrevocably upon his death. Willful acceptance of the
mark of the Beast constitutes a
sin that will NOT be forgiven. That is because by doing so, one loses his free will and ability to
seek forgiveness.
Cards Contain the Chip
In certain of the prophecies below, Our Lord has told us that the Smart cards
are the precursor to the forced subdermal chip. The acronym, SMART, stands for
Satellite Monitoring And Remote Tracking. Smart credit cards, certain security cards,
smart passports, and identification ('ID') pass cards contain a computer chip. Acceptance of smart cards
is not forbidden, but Our Lord has advised that we should avoid accepting the
smart cards as well, as they will lead to acceptance of the subdermal computer
Smart cards have been in existence for a number of years, and have been used by
militaries of several countries for some time. The efforts of major credit card
companies to market their smart cards have met with limited success. While the
citizens of certain countries of Europe and
That was until recently.
Terror in the minds of the people of the world is continuing to increase due to
concerns over biological, chemical and nuclear threats. As a consequence, an
international cry for peace and security is being made. Those who once found
the thought of national ID smart cards abhorrent are now embracing the idea.
In May 2005, the
More countries are expected to require national ID smart cards soon.
Contemporary Prophecy
Heaven has provided many messages from various visionaries about the subdermal
microchip being the Mark of the Beast. Due to space limitations, we will
include only a few representative excerpts from John Leary (4) and Louise Tomkiel (5) below:
John Leary
(messages from Jesus)
September 28,
2001 -- "…The Antichrist's reign will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Some of My faithful will be martyred and some
protected at My refuges. Without My help you will
not be able to protect your souls from the evil ones. You will have to trust in
Me fully when you will no longer be able to access
your money without the mark of the beast. .Refuse to be taken in by
forced national ID smart cards or chips in the hand. The evil ones will use
fear of the terrorists to try and force chips on everyone. Only through fear tactics
would such an emergency measure be accepted. .This
one world ploy to control everyone will enable them to have global control.
This power will be fleeting as I will soon come and destroy all of these evil
people and they will be no more on the earth. My glory will raise you up at My triumph and the world will be renewed in My new heavens
and new
4, 2010 -- "My people, I have warned you for a long time that the one
world people have wanted to force implantable chips in your body since their
first attempts at [US] National Health Insurance. I gave you messages
that implantable chips in the body were a part of this legislation before you
even read the bill. You have found and shown the people the words of ‘implantable’ devices in HR 3200 before it
became law. For those who still doubt that this is in the legislation that was
finally signed into law, you could do some more research into the Senate bill
and the combined bill in conference that your President signed. The Senators
and Congress people did not go to all the trouble of changing parties to get 60
votes in order to pass this legislation without a reason. The one world people
have forced chips in the body through your Congress, as they have forced
through all of your other spending bills that are expanding your National Debt
to near bankruptcy. Once mandatory chips in the body are forced on your people,
then it truly will be time to go to your refuges. This mark of the beast is
one of your big signs of when to leave your homes. Be ready to leave when this Law is
Have no fear because My angels will
protect you."
10, 2002 -- "My people, today’s Gospel says ‘Ask and you shall receive.’
This is My promise to you, so when you need help, do
not forget to call on My Name. When the evil of your age gets worse, you will be needing My help because you will not make it on your own.
.I have told you in the past
when you see a world famine with people killing over food; a schism in My
Church; and mandatory chips in the hand being forced on people, then call on Me
and I will send your guardian angel to guide you to a safe haven. There will be interim
refuges at first for immediate help. Then you will be drawn to final refuges of
My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places of holy ground, or caves.
.It is those, who stay behind
in their homes or other places, that could be caught
and possibly martyred. So do not be stubborn about waiting too long to leave or you may
face capture by the evil ones."
27, 2001 -- "…If you should be tested with forced smart cards or chips in
the hand, refuse to take them even if your life is threatened. I have told you
how martyrs would be instant saints and I would spare their pain. Better to be
loyal to your God than any allegiance to the gods of the world."
20, 2001 -- "My people, I have told you that the one world people have staged
these recent disasters so they could justify a national
emergency and national identification cards. Eventually, smart cards
will be issued to everyone that will be needed for travel and for all buying
and selling. These war and security measures will lead to chips in the hand.
Those refusing these chips in the hand will be placed in detention centers
where some will be martyred, tortured or enslaved to hard labor. Call on My
help to bring you through this tribulation. Refuse to take these chips in the
hand and refuse to worship the Antichrist or his image."
2, 2002 -- "My people, you have been witnessing large numbers of
prisoners in detention centers as in Cuba. This public scene of rigid treatment
is being given so people understand what happens to those who disagree with the
authorities. A time is coming soon when you will be an outlaw if you refuse to
take a computer chip in the hand for whatever reason. The need for security
against terrorists or the prevention of fraudulent identity cards will be the
reason that national ID chips will be forced on the people. Refuse to take these chips
in the hand because they will eventually be abused as the mark of the beast.
Refuse to worship the beast or the Antichrist because I alone should you
worship. Even if they imprison you and threaten to kill you, refuse these
chips. Some may even be martyred for being defiant as examples to the rest of
the population. Pray to Me for help to be taken to
refuges away from the authorities when this happens. Chips in the hand will be
the means that the Antichrist will be able to control the world for a brief
reign. Those, who have My protection and refuse these
chips, will be safe from the Antichrist's control. Forced smart cards for
national ID's will be coming under many forms through driver licenses, social
security cards, health cards, and Defense Department cards. Eventually a chip in the
hand will replace this ID card and it will become mandatory for buying and
selling. Scripture is coming true before your eyes as the Antichrist's control
is close at hand. Trust in My help and I will give rest to your soul."
24, 2001 -- "…A time will be coming when smart cards or chips in the
hand will be your only means to buy and sell. The evil ones will control all of
the commodities coming into your houses in gas lines, power lines and water
lines. If
you do not have these chips, they could turn off your life lines and you would
have to live off of what you have prepared for food, water, and fuel. Once you are outcast from
society, these evil ones will try to apprehend you for not worshiping the
Antichrist. It is then that you will need My help to
lead you to My refuges so I can feed you My heavenly manna and protect you from
harm. There will be grottos of water at My refuges to
provide you holy water. Rejoice to be away from the evil influence of the
Antichrist. You will need full trust in Me that I will
provide for your needs and protect you from evil."
6, 2000 -- "…Refuse to take any smart cards so you will not be
influenced to take the chip in the hand. .Now
is the time to have extra food and fuel on hand so I can multiply
what you have and you will not need the mark of the beast to buy and sell…"
12, 2001 (Day after Terrorist attacks upon Pentagon and WTC in the
2, 2002 -- "My people, I have
warned you in the past and there is growing evidence that people's minds can be controlled by chips in
the head. Several mass murders have already been caused by putting voices of
suggestion in willing subjects. Some even in the military have already been
affected by such chips. So I am again warning My faithful not to
take chips in the hand because these chips could control your thoughts and you
could not remove them as a result. Recent scientific evidence is being made available and should be
another warning to you of the power and the capabilities of this technology.
Pray for strength to be strong in refusing these chips even if you must suffer
persecution as a result."
28, 2001 -- "…Already the chips in the hand are connected to
satellites and cell towers are in place for the Antichrist to control. .My Warning experience will
be one of the first major events. You will see increased persecution of My Church as evil will grow
worse before My victory. Before the tribulation, I am
warning all the people of the earth to trust and follow Me
and do not take anything from the Antichrist. Those, who take the chips in
the hand and worship the beast, will be lost forever in hell. So worship only Me and avoid smart cards and refuse to take any chips in
your body. These chips will control your minds and souls and there will be no
turning back. Heed My warnings to save your souls from
the temptations of the evil ones. The end times will test your faith and you
must ask My help to be saved."
7, 1999 -- "My people, I am showing you this wooden wall to represent
doors being closed and roads being blocked to limit your travel. A time is
coming when you will be barred from traveling the main expressways, unless you
have a chip in the hand or a smart card. Your driver's licenses will soon require chips
in them. Those, who refuse to take these chips, will be limited in legal
travel. Even airlines will prevent travel without such identification as a
smart card device. All of these chips will enable the one world people to track
your every movement. Those, who refuse these chips, will soon become outlaws
and violators. That is why I am showing you the dark caves, since your going
into hiding at My refuges is not far off. .Have all of your sacramentals and
preparations for going into hiding on hand, for soon all of these
prophecies are about to be fulfilled. The forcing of identification chips on
everyone will begin the control by the Antichrist. Do not be at your home when
they come looking for you, or they will place you in prisons to be killed or
tortured. When you see this tribulation begin, have patience for a while,
because My triumph will be coming as soon as the
Antichrist comes to full power. These events will be happening sooner than you
think. Do not have fear, but pray for My help and that
of your guardian angels."
26, 2000 -- "My people,
some have asked when you would have to go into hiding for the tribulation, but
I tell you it will be most obvious at the time. There will be shortages of
food and fuel created by a great famine which will be contrived in part. Only
smart cards and eventually only chips in the body will be the only means of
buying and selling things. This will be joined with an economic downturn all
over the world. A police state will be put in place with the UN troops
supporting the Antichrist. You will actually be rushing with your guardian
angel to find a safe haven or refuge of protection. Terror will be on all sides
as the evil ones will be persecuting My faithful. With My help you will be
safe. Some may have to die for their faith, but trust that I will always
protect your souls. Do not be afraid to leave your houses so you can flee the
cities of violence. As you see the luminous crosses, you will know where My angels will protect you. Your suffering and trials will
be difficult, but those, who deny Me, will face a greater pain of My wrath from
the plagues of Revelation. Pray for the souls to be saved at My Warning, so
they will be prepared for this time of evil that you have yet to witness. In a
short time I will bring My victory and you will share
in My glory in heaven. Rejoice that you are living in this age."
1, 2002 -- "My people, you are seeing the first stage of people
volunteering to take the chip in their hand. I have told you in the past that
smart cards were the forerunner of taking chips in the hand. I also said that
people would initially volunteer to take the chip in the hand. The second stage
would be a secret forcing of people to take chips in the hand or they would be
taken to detention camps. At these camps some would be martyred, tortured, or
enslaved. All of those without the chip would be outlaws. The terrorists'
actions will precipitate national ID cards and eventually mandatory chips in
the hand or face imprisonment. This stage of forced chips, a schism in My Church, and world famine
would be the time to have your guardian angels guide
you to the nearest refuge. This time of tribulation was thought by some to be far off, but as
events are unfolding, these chips have become a reality and their being forced
on people is a near possibility. You have been warned not to be at your home
when the one world agents come to force the chip on you. .I am
warning you now more than ever to have your backpacks ready to take off in a
relative short time because the one world people are close to a push for world
takeover. Some have not wanted to believe that they are in the end times or
that chips in the hand would even happen, but the reality of today's events are
right before you. Pray for My help in these days for I am the only one to
protect your soul from the evil ones."
24, 2004 -- "My people, this vision at night of a van traveling on back
roads is how you will have to travel to avoid detection from those who will
persecute religious people. Traveling to refuges will be your last chance to
avoid those who could come to your house to capture you. When you leave your houses, you will need your bikes, some food to multiply, extra
gasoline, warm clothes, a backpack for a tent and your light daily needs. .The
chip in your electronic ignitions can still be used to track your car after
That is why you will need to use your bikes to travel the rest of the way to
your refuges. You will be able to stay in your homes for a brief time, but they will be searching for
you before marital law is declared. If you do not leave soon enough, you could
be martyred in a detention center. Pray to Me for discernment for the proper
time to leave. The coming tribulation will see evil that you have never seen
before. Without My help, you will not be able to save your soul. So stay close
to Me and your guardian angel and we will protect you
from the evil ones."
5, 2001 -- "My people, this United Nations concept was launched under the guise of
peace, but it has been a vehicle for the one world people to control the whole
world. These same rich people already control your money through the central
banks and their artificial debt that controls nations through the World Bank. This
United Nations has slowly gained control of the world troops which have changed
loyalties from national to UN leaders. Through many treaties, this body now
controls many of the lands throughout the world. They have set up a world court
to try criminals of genocide, but again this will usurp national courts. The
governing power of nations will slowly be given over to this group making
national leaders puppets of the one world people. All of these plans have been
conducted for world control and they have laid the groundwork for the
Antichrist's takeover. These same one world people are preparing the last
connection of complete control through smart cards and eventually chips in the
body. This UN body supports the One World Religion of the New Age movement and
links all nations to control trade, money, and troops. Beware of this control
because all of your rights and freedoms will be taken over through this evil
organization with its Satanic roots. Again, I am
showing you their plan for takeover, but do not fear because I will conquer all
of these evil ones in My Triumph. Their power is nothing in My
eyes as these evil people will be cast into hell as I purify the earth of all
evil. Rejoice in My Triumph as My faithful will find
their reward soon."
6, 2001 -- "…Those, who are weak and do not call on My protection, will fall victim to the mind control of the Antichrist through
the chips in the hand. Do not take smart card devices or chips in your body so
you will not be controlled by the evil ones. .Even as I told you also, do not look at the image of the beast or watch him on
television because he could control your mind through his evil gaze. Wear your blessed
sacramentals as protection, especially your Benedictine crosses. With grace from My sacraments, treasure your faith and nurture it because
your religious persecution will be worsening over time. Those of you, who
refuse this mark and are true to Me, will lose your
money, jobs and your possessions as you will be considered cult outlaws. Trust
in My help through all of these coming trials and I will provide for your needs
at My refuges..."
30, 2004 -- ."My people, this
message on removing your televisions and computer monitors has been given
before (8-11-2003, 5-28-2003, 2-10-2000), but this is a serious message as the
time before the tribulation grows close. I have warned you previously after the
Warning to remove these screens so you would not be influenced or controlled by
the Antichrist. He will have demonic powers to influence your minds by looking at
his eyes and he will try to make you worship him. He will have the technical
ability to place subliminal messages on these screens to affect your
subconscious minds. Now, I am telling you if you see an evil one or one
claiming to be Me before the Warning to also remove these screens from
your homes. If you hear evil things on the radio, get rid of your radios as
well. When you see pictures or quotations from the Antichrist in your
newspapers, then remove them and stop your newspapers. By the time you have to
stop your phones, TV, newspapers, and all forms of communication, then you will be about the time to go to My refuges because
you will have a hard time to know what is going on in the world to warn you.
This will be a difficult time to take away these things that have become a part
of your life, but My requests are given to save your
souls from the influence of the evil beast of Revelation. Do not have fear of
this evil one because you can call on Me and My angels
to protect you. Do not depend on your own defenses, but call on My power because you will be dealing with principalities and
powers of evil angels. We will do battle for you if you just call on our help.
Trust in Me for I will be victorious over this brief reign of the Antichrist.
Those, who are strong and heed My warnings will be
saved, but those, who are lazy and follow the Antichrist, could be lost
7, 2006 -- “My people, man is a master of electronics when it comes to
sending messages, data, or phone calls.
You have ground lines and many wireless microwave signals going through
the air to cell towers and satellites.
You have many microchips also that run your computers and many of your
appliances. With a cell phone you could
buy anything any place on earth. So ask
yourself why is it necessary to have charge cards with your fingerprints
embedded into the chip? Or why is it
necessary to have chips in your body?
The transponders in these chips are for one way communication only. The purpose is to identify you and track you wherever you go. These chips could be used to buy and sell and
allow you on to airplanes or into buildings.
.Once triggered these chips
embedded in your body could send out voices to control your mind to worship the
Antichrist. So do not let these chips
control you by refusing to use smart cards or especially refusing to take chips
in your body. Even if the authorities
threaten to take away all of your money, or threaten your life, refuse to use
these chips that the one world people want to use to control you. When they try to force chips in the body on
you, it is a sign to you to call on Me to have your
guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. Trust in My help and My
angels to protect you in these evil days.
Have no fear or despair, for I am coming in victory to defeat the evil
ones, and take you to My Era of Peace.”
31, 2000 -- "My people, you should be aware that many satellites have
been placed in orbit to provide communications with all points all over the
earth. The one world people and the Antichrist will utilize these satellites to
control your buying and selling through smart chips and they will be able to
track you as well..."
10, 2006 -- “My people, these cell towers are not just used by phones. They will be very integral
in using GPS microchips in the body for buying and selling as well. All of the surveillance cameras are not just for traffic control,
but they are a means for tracking your every move as in a police state. Your privacy in phone calls is gone because
every call is monitored, even against your laws. Mandatory smart cards in
driver’s licenses and passports are almost a reality. When you have another major terrorist incident,
mandatory chips in the body will soon follow. Refuse any chips in your body even if they
threaten to kill you, because these chips could control your mind.”
11, 2002 -- "My people, two new developments are occurring where most of your
cable lines are being upgraded and high definition TV is about to be launched. What they are not telling you is that
these new lines and TVs are being adapted for two-way communication.
means they can listen to you in your homes or even have devices to use hidden camera
This is another step in trying to control your lives in addition to the
national IDs and chips in the hand. At some time you will have to stop using these
devices as the tribulation proceeds."
15, 2004 -- "My people, you have seen just about all of your phone
lines replaced with fiber optic cable and the light generators that allow voice
and data to travel from place to place. Many more lines can be sent through one
cable making two way signals common for listening devices in your cable TV and
telephones. Your voices can be heard in your living room to those who want to
listen. Your phone lines also are heard by those spying on conversations. This
is why many of your modern high definition TVs are able to see you as well as
hear you. ..Two-way cables have been a
tool for the one world people to know all of your habits. Do not fear these
evil ones for I will be victorious over them at My
appointed time."
23, 2008 -- "My people, some people know of the capabilities of your
secret agencies, who are run by the one world people, and how they have
constant information of everything that you do. The more that you are a threat
to their new world order, the more they will keep surveillance on your
communications. These people think that they are invincible, but they do not
know the capabilities of My angels in protecting My
faithful. .Because of this constant monitoring, My faithful will need to leave all of their means of
following you behind when I call you to My refuges. Leave all cell phones,
credit smart cards, and entry cards at home so they do not know that you left
your home.
. When I call
you to leave, take your backpack and preparations, and I will have your
guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. Once you
are on the road and away from your home, your guardian angel will blind the
evil ones from tracking you and make you invisible. If you should stay at home too long after your warning, you could
be captured and killed by the evil ones. At the end of the tribulation I will
bring My Comet of Chastisement and many will die, and all electronics will
cease working. I will cleanse the earth of all evil, so have patience for a
while because My victory will be complete as all the
evil ones will be cast into hell. Then My faithful will have their reward in My
Era of Peace and in heaven."
Louise Tomkiel
August 8,
-- .Our
Father spoke, "Scientists have worked so diligently that the chip is now
microscopic. It can pass through a hypodermic needle. Virtually undetected, it
is used in hospitals and by doctors, dentists and veterinarians. It is injected
into the newborn, the ill, accident victims, hospital patients, service men and
women, travelers and animals. Everyone is now subject to receive the chip.
Now, man has found yet another way to plant said chip into all life. It is used
in food processing plants; food for both man and animal. You cannot escape the
horrors of evil men. However, listen and obey Me, your
Father and Creator. Surrender yourselves to Me
completely. Bless your food and the food you serve others--animals included! .Generously use Holy Water,
Blessed Salt and Holy Oil. Since you have not freely taken said chip, I will
protect you. Only those who FREELY accept the chip are not of Me. In My Mercy and Love I WILL PROTECT MY OWN."
25, 2003 -- Abba Father spoke, "Even today, the 'chip' is being
implanted in man and beast unknown to the recipient. It is injected through
needles, transfusions, IV's, organ transplants by hospitals, doctors, Vets
(DVM) in emergency rooms, operations, office visits, to young and old alike.
Through today's technology the 'chip' is extremely small but the results of its
implant are disastrous to all who receive it.
You are
not responsible for its implant if you have not freely asked for it. Still, the control, the
evil, will take over your mind and body. Since it can never be removed only I,
your God, can and will save each one who is marked by evil but NOT OF YOUR
FREEWILL! Only your freewill constitutes a sin. Only your freewill can separate
you from
anywhere, that can in any way unite you with evil and his domination!!! This is
not always optional as of today. Soon it will be mandatory everywhere.
If you sell your soul freely, decide later to convert, you will be put to
death. Yet I, in My Mercy and Love will bring you home to
These times, this hour, is nearly upon you. Seek My
Strength to help you resist EVERY evil temptation. He will make his ways very
alluring to capture many souls. YOU MUST PRAY!!!
.Attach yourself to Me DAILY
through prayer and consecration. In this way you will have
strength and discernment for these dreadful hours.
I am with you if you choose Me and follow
Today is his last stand. It's THE mighty battle. He is fighting feverishly to
control and gain many souls. Don't you fall for his trickery!!!!!
Follow Love, your Godhead! Obey, pray and be consecrated to Me.
I alone will lead you to safety's shore. I alone will rescue you from Satan's
clutches. I alone am you protection, your shield. Do not be weak but be stalwart.
Keep your eyes on Me. I AM THE VICTOR
28, 2000 -- "I am warning you over and over regarding events that are
now becoming quite frequent. You are seeing and hearing about air accidents,
hijacking and you are constantly being monitored by means of your phone, fax,
TV and various electronic devices in your home and car.
Many of My chosen ones are being confused. I am allowing so many signs to erupt
before your very eyes yet many still deny that these ARE signs of the times.
You are indeed living in end times. This is just the beginning. You MUST seek My strength and you MUST trust in Me explicitly.
..Evil, has taken control of
your electronic devices. As soon as you hear your phone line open or a strange voice --
disconnect -- wait and then try again. Remain silent when either of the above
happens! If your TV clicks or has static interference, turn it off and remain
silent. These are signs that you are being monitored. Be even more careful of
cell phones for the "chip" is already imbedded in them.
As My
Mother has already told you and I repeat -- throw your phones out! In your
homes you can unplug therefore cutting all contact.
NOT purchase a new car for they too have a chip hidden in them. Evil’s eyes and ears are
on everyone. Prayer without obedience is useless!
Many are praying for My words of knowledge to instruct
them yet, they are receiving My aid -- and -- resisting it.
You will not be hearing that which you want to hear. You will be hearing My messages to direct you, to warn you, to strengthen you.
Because of My Love for you and because I want all people to return to Me and
live eternally with Me, I ask you to discern, in prayer, EVERY word you hear or
read and the events happening in your world today. SEEK DISCERNMENT THROUGH
You are so very gullible, My little ones. In these
present times you MUST become strong in Me. You MUST
live only My Will for you. ..You MUST renew your
consecration to Me DAILY. YOU MUST pray and pray and PRAY. And you must pray for each other.
Cling to Me as if your life and eternity depends on it
-- for it does!!!
I love you, My children all. I will continue to
instruct you and prepare you for forthcoming events. You are NOT alone. I AM
WITH YOU FOREVER! I live in your heart; IF you accept Me.
I nourish you each time you receive Me. I will never leave you
You ARE My dearest children.
Love created you and Love redeemed you. Return My love
through your love and obedience.
Dear ones, spend much more time in My company. Become
as one with Me and I WILL protect you from evil.
Through your prayers and dedication, many events have been lessened. Our Father
hears all prayers and smiles with joy at the sound of your voice raised to Him
in praise, thanksgiving and supplication.
We send you Our love and gratitude as you continually
respond to Our call."
10, 2004 -- "There is an order of
priests in My Church, yet not of Me or My Church, that is
causing a direct split in church and state. They are causing massive confusion,
planting powerful doubts in the minds of My people.
The motto they live by is not 'In God We Trust' but 'In Self I Trust!' They are
a proud, vain, obnoxious group bound together to destroy Church, believers and
basically, all life. They seek only complete control and at the expense of
many, many lives and souls.
They swear oaths that are totally of Satan to implant his evil will upon all.
If you refuse or disobey them, you will be tortured and even killed brutally.
They live in hate and for total control for they know not True Love. (Jesus)
Their hearts are of stone and they are cruel--have no feelings. They have been
bound together for many centuries and are barbaric. They have high positions in
state, government, church and industry around the entire earth. They loathe
Christians, Jews and Catholics. Their objective is to destroy persons, places
and things that are, in any way, associated with Me, Your God.
Subtly they work through your mind, your senses. Children especially are their
targets. They are making a Godless culture and very soon they will make Martial
Law and the chip mandatory- -or you will be put on a false trial and judged AND
These people are the controlling force on the earth today. The blackness of sin
shrouds the Light of True Love. I am that Light and they have buried
Over the centuries they have patiently taken control of your hearts, minds and
led you to sell your eternal soul to Satan, who is the leader of all evil. So
many souls enter Hell hourly because of their desire for a so-called freedom to
do all things their way. These men, and some women, of every walk of life, who
desire, under the disguise of good Christian people, are leading you to
perdition. They are the Freemasons or FM's.
To avoid a great fall, to avoid all evil's cunning lies, to have great strength
and all the graces needed to save your soul, you must pray and daily consecrate
yourself to Me otherwise, you will weaken and be prey to Satan's vultures.
Desire to do My Will for you daily. Decide to follow Me, your God and Savior. Choose today for the evil forces
are powerful and without Me you will fall. Either
choice is eternal: Heaven with Me or Hell with Satan."
7, 2004 -- Abba spoke, "OBEDIENCE TO MY WORD IS CRUCIAL! I am leading
you, instructing you, warning you, preparing all My
children that you might save your immortal soul and save your life and the
lives of those you love. If you do not listen to Me
today how do you expect to have strength to avoid and reject all that evil men
will soon impose upon you?
Obedience in little things shows your love, faith and ultimate trust in Me and in My word. My desire is to return as many souls to Me as possible. Now that so many signs are visible to you I
ask you to pray and discern. Do not fall for evil's lies, his deception. He
plans to rule the earth and every person. He is organizing a One World Master
plan and will rule by force NOT love. There will be NO more freedom. My beloved
followers, My faithful remnant, will soon be forced
underground. Evil (Satan) plans to remove ALL faith from the face of the earth.
You will do as you are told or answer through suffering and/or death.
Follow Me and allow Me to lead you. Listen to the dear
small voice that will lead you; My Spirit within you. Your ultimate love for Me will bring to you many graces, much strength, great
trust, peace of mind and hope for your future.
As these hours quickly worsen, consecrate your all to
You abuse your freewill daily by living a very sinful life. When your freewill
is taken from you and total domination is your daily way of life you will
realize, too late, what I gave to you. Without a card or implanted chip you
will be able to do NOTHING, you will have NOTHING! Eventually ALL will be taken
from you!!!
A pleasant picture? NO!!! Yet, by your rejecting Me, disobeying My every word, your current loyalty to sin
and Satan- -this is becoming a reality. Martial Law, total control by evil men
and finally much destruction by war, diseases, natural
disasters will annihilate men and beasts and plant life and much of the earth!
Convert today for all is rapidly, hourly progressing until every word of God is
6, 2004 -- Father God spoke, "The hour has come when ALL preparations
MUST be in place. Many of you laugh at this statement but I tell you, IT WILL
At this hour all those NOT prepared will be left behind in matters of physical
needs. All stores will close. All utilities will no longer be available. There
will be no drinkable water and you will have no source of heat. There will be
no means of communication and no transportation. Again I tell you--All MONEY
It is a time of great fear and confusion. It is the beginning of complete
control by evil men bound together to enforce Martial Law, a police state OR
One World Government. The chip will be forced upon all. There will be the
antichrist and a false pope to lead you
This will descend upon you when men make all needs nearly unavailable or costs
so high that few can afford to live. They will create a state of emergency
through panic and a deadly fear through destruction. Terror through terrorists
will coexist and be felt in every heart.
Only those of My remnant who are totally prepared will
find strength and peace to survive this period. My shelters are ready. I will
lead you through the night by My Heavenly Angels, to the refuge or shelter
where you are to find rest. When I come to you, do not hesitate, GO! The
momentum has reached its crescendo. Exit your premises quickly and do not look
This message I give you through My Mercy and Love for all. It is urgent that
all obey. Your physical or mortal life is at stake and through your decision
you will seal your eternal life. Amen, dear ones, Amen -- SO BE IT!!!!!"
21, 2002 -- "In these days of tribulation but before the 'mark of
Satan' is forced upon all people I, your Loving and Merciful Lord will go to
all My remnant and place My mark on you. I will also
place a permanent sign in the sky for all to see. These are the signs given to
you from your God and Savior out of love which is Our Holy Spirit.
will be a cross in the sky. Every living being will see it. My priests and My
chosen visionaries and end-time prophets will be marked with a different symbol
than that of My sheep remnant. One will receive a triangle to remind you of
Blessed Trinity and one will receive a ring to symbolize the God without
beginning or end--Alpha/Omega. (Beast-- Rv 13:16-17
God--Rv 14:1)
My faithful remnant will have no difficulty finding the ones who will assist
them or lead them. Angels will be plentiful at
your call. Thus all must pray without ceasing to remain in constant closeness
to Me. I must hear your voice. Do not separate
yourself from Me even for a moment. Do not give evil
even a second to try to seduce you. Be alert at all times.
.Wear a cross, crucifix,
medal -- all must be blessed -- on your person at all times. These will remind you of Me and/or one of My Heavenly Saints, My Mother and dearest
Place a small medal on your babies, children and home bound elderly. Place a sign of belonging
to God on all creatures for protection. All that belongs to Me
must have My Heavenly mark. Your homes, property and possessions
should, by now, be blessed as I have so often told you.
all, everyone and everything, in complete readiness. The signs of the
battle against My adversary, Satan are in force. It
won't be long before the world lives in mighty fear but, for those who pray and
obey My every word I will give much strength and a
peace in their hearts that is not of this world. A deep inner
peace that comes only from your God, your Jesus. It is a love
impregnated in your being by Our Holy Spirit--the Spirit of Love.
Do not be anxious for all will take place, all will be done as the Father
commands and in His Perfect time."
29, 2004 -- God
spoke, " I come again today to state once more that Satan and his
followers have tainted everything! ..All electronics,
appliances, new homes, new cars, buildings, anything made
of fabric, leather, plastic, metal, wood, ceramics, pottery, paper, eye
glasses, false teeth, hearing aids, bedding, credit or debit cards, keys and
the list goes on and on, have the chip in them.
again, I remind you that drugs, prescriptions, food, fruit, water, beverages,
meat, fish, baked goods, candies, etc. including your atmosphere -- all, each
and every one -- has germs, toxins, poisons, diseases implanted therein. .
Nothing, absolutely nothing is safe from the hands of evil men! You
are being watched every moment -- your every movement, your every act -- is
being carefully watched and monitored. When the CHIP is finally implanted in all who are foolish enough to
accept it, these Satan followers will be able to control your mind, your
thoughts, your actions. You will be a puppet to
evil, our adversary, Satan.
All your personal records are, today, their property for nothing about you is
secret or private. Already your phones, faxes, computers are 'bugged'. You are being monitored
every minute of every day! Satan and all his followers desire to own you and
your soul!
Martial Law will become reality very soon now for as fear grabs hearts it makes
a perfect opportunity for control under the disguise of assistance. Fear makes
you gullible. BEWARE !!!
.As all things worsen as I've told you they
will, open all your senses to Me seeking guidance
and discernment in EVERY situation. I am here as your God.
Cling to Me! Rely only on Me for all your needs BUT
obey all I have told you and am still telling you for soon all public
messages will cease. If you know My voice and hear it
in your heart, I will continue to whisper to you.
Obey Me dear children! I will lead you to safety OR
lead you home. Make My Will, My word your every command. I promise never to lose one
of My own. My peace be with you!"
October 5,
2006 -- God the Father spoke, "You will find
transponders in use until the end of Satan’s time. They are used in the chip to
keep track of all your words and actions and to take complete possession of
your mind. This is a means of total control of man and animal.
.The chip is now in all
electronics, cars, and many clothes. It is being inserted into newborns,
animals in shelters and pounds.
.Many people are forced to
take it and others are ignorant of Satan’s mark and take chips for false
.The chip is in your
driver's license and nearly all credit/debit cards.
.You are being possessed and
ruled by Satan’s powers. These transponders are what give life to the chip, the smart card
and the speed pass.
Under no circumstances should you allow the chip to be inserted into your body
or the bodies of your family or animals.
Many credit and debit cards, store charge cards proudly advertise that they use
the chip. Avoid such cards. Listen to Me! Obey My
words! Once the chip is inserted it can NEVER be removed! .
Every action, everywhere you go, all that you do and all that you say is
monitored! You are never alone! Listen and obey every word of God or suffer and
die at the hands of the very men who have lied to you and finally inserted the
mark of Satan forever in you.
WAKE UP all my people! Don't be baffled by the
forked tongue of the devil, the king of lies. You are living in the days of
Satan’s rule. This will be his last hour. Then I will cleanse the earth and all
souls of sin. All will be pure and more beautiful than
October 25,
L. began to receive a message from God and
said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and other numerous and various prayers of testing)..
Then your God spoke, "
How many times have I told you that all electronics have the 'chip' so
that evil men can hear your every word, know your whereabouts at all
It, (the) 'chip, is in cars, all
vehicles, televisions, microwaves, articles from
Stay clear of everyone who has the 'chip'
already implanted under their skin! The
'chip' is Satan's mark --- 666!!! It is the sign that you belong to him
--- YOU HAVE SOLD YOUR SOUL!!! Be aware to whom you speak and where you
This message is urgent! Obey My words. In a short time, the implanting of the 'the
chip' under your skin will be mandatory!
Amen! My word IS truth! Be
prepared to go to my refuge or to die for
me! AMEN! I have spoken!!!"
End of messages
Articles and Devices Containing the Chip
The following is a brief list of modern devices that contain a microchip that
can be tracked by the agents of the
Late model automobiles (those manufactured after 1984 have computers), cellular
telephones, computers (including desk tops, lap tops and tablets), MPG players,
electronic pagers, national smart identification cards, smart driver’s
licenses, smart credit and debit cards, smart passports & visas, personal
digital assistants (pda’s), satellite dishes, Fastrak & EZ Passes and other
toll booth cards for toll ways, certain automobile license plates, shoppers
cards, gas station cards, student identification cards, passes for the work
place, GPS positioning and locating devices, Onstar and LoJack automobile
location systems, watches and bracelets with the chip, radio frequency
identification tags (also known as RFIDs)
in consumer goods including food and clothing, household appliances, articles
from China, and of course -- the Mark Of the Beast, the subdermal
microchip in the hand or forehead.
Devices Monitored
The following is a brief list of modern devices in which we are monitored by
the agents of the
Telephones, cellular telephones, electronic mail (email), the Internet, high
definition (digital) television, fax machines, office and home appliances and
gadgets, and cable television.
A Coincidence?
Consider the following quote from Ted Flynn's book entitled: "Hope of the Wicked
- The Master Plan to Rule the World. (3)
The copyright date of his book is 2000 (WELL BEFORE attacks upon the Pentagon
"It means that we would have to scrutinize people more. It means your
liberty suddenly starts to get infringed upon. And this is the real challenge
for a free society. How do you reconcile threats that are likely to come in the
future with the inherent and constitutional protection of our rights? What
happens when the
Prepared with the grace of God
By Ben J. Verdina, December 2008 (edited September, 2016)
An Act of Consecration to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary
I, (your name), a faithless sinner--
renew and ratify today in thy hands, O Immaculate Mother, the vows of my
Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself
entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all
the days of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been
In the presence of all the heavenly court I choose thee this day, for my Mother
and Mistress. I deliver and consecrate to thee, as thy slave, my body and soul,
my goods, both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good
actions, past, present and future; leaving to thee the entire and full right of
disposing of me, and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to
thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity. Amen.
An Act of Consecration to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Most Sacred
Heart of Jesus, Abyss of Mercy and Source of every grace and blessing, I
consecrate and unite myself to You without exception
or reserve - all that I am and all that I have, both temporal and spiritual,
past present and future, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Mother.
I leave myself entirely at Your disposal with complete
confidence in Your Mercy and Love and I beg You to look upon this offering of
my nothingness before You and to use me for Your own glory, for the honor of
Your Mother and for the salvation of souls. Help me to seek You
alone in all things. Hide me in the shelter of Your Most Sacred Heart and be my
only Consolation and Refuge.
Grant me the graces I need to joyfully accept Your Cross daily, to lead a holy
life and to die a holy death in Your service. Help me
to trust completely in Your Mercy and Love and never to fear to humbly throw
myself before the infinite Ocean of mercy which is Your Most Sacred Heart,
especially at those times when I may fail in my faithfulness in Your service. Through this weak and miserable instrument,
may Your Mercy, Love, glory and power shine forth.
Above all, set my poor heart on fire with the Flame of Love which burns in Your
Most Sacred Heart, and teach me how to return love for Love. Most Sacred Heart
of Jesus, have mercy on me - for I place all my trust in You.
How To
Save Your Children
During one of
the cenacles which Fr. Gobbi held in the United States, he was urged by many
concerned people to ask Our Lady specifically what could be done to save the youth
from the seductions of the world which were leading many of them astray and
causing them to leave the Church. Our Lady gave Fr. Gobbi this definite and
final solution to console the parents who are so concerned about the salvation
of their children:
Pray the Rosary ! |
Every time you pray the Rosary say: "With this Rosary I bind all my children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.". |
In doing so, Our Lady promised "to see to their souls.". |
The Memorare
Remember, O
most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your
protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To
you I come; before you I stand sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word
Incarnate! Despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me.
1. |
Refer to Dan 7, Rev 13 and Fr. Gobbi's message No. 405 from the Blessed Virgin. |
2. |
HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Refer to US Patent 4,686,605. |
3. |
“Hope of the Wicked - The Master Plan to Rule the World” by Ted Flynn - Freemasonry's plan to destroy the Catholic Church and rule the world via a New World Order/One World Government ('Globalization'), and a One-World False Religion. |
4. |
The visions and messages of John Leary have yet-to-be-approved by the Church. |
5. |
The visions and messages of Louise Tomkiel have yet-to-be-approved by the Church. |
Iniquity with
Divine Retribution at the Dawn of the Era of Peace
Humanum Genus, Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII
on Freemasonry; April 20, 1884
Declaration on Masonic Associations, Declaration by the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith affirming Humanum Genus and
prohibiting any Catholic from associating with Freemasonry. To do so, is a
grave sin, and makes one ineligible to receive Holy Communion. Issued November
26, 1983
Updated information on the Mark of the Beast
Updated Information on Electronic Surveillance in and
around your home
Microchips, ELF Waves and Mind Control - Pt 1
Microchips, ELF Waves and Mind Control - Pt 2
Concentration Camps Have Arrived
TV: The Trojan Horse of the New World Order
Prayers of Consecration and the
Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Tribulation Protection: The Blood of
the Lamb
To the Refuges on Wings of Eagles
Refuges For Our Time
How Great is Our God !
Tribulation Update (contains 2 articles on the
subdermal microchip)
and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves
Actual Patents of Mind Control
and Behavior Modification Technology
We respectfully recognize and accept the final authority regarding
apparitions, locutions and prophecies presently being reported around the world
rests with the Holy See and the Magisterium of Holy Mother Church to whose
judgment we humbly and obediently submit.
For Additional Information On This and
Related Topics Go To:
This writing is available on the
Internet at
Also, read the following writings posted at the above mentioned web
Iniquity With Divine Retribution at the Dawn of the Era of Peace
– A Summary Guide to the Tribulation |
After The Warning |
Tribulation Update |
Thank You For Having Responded To My Call |
Sky Signs |
Ben's Calling |
The Statues of Our Lady Are Crying For Our Help |
Prayers of Consecration & Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Heaven and Earth Are Uniting – Fr. Gobbi |
Ave Maria: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate |
Supreme Authority of the Pope Until Death or Abdication |
The Myth of the Pre-Tribulational Rapture |
To Protect the Faith |
Both Faith and Good Works Required |
The Catechism and the "Term" Coredemptrix |
Ecclesiastical Masonry: The Beast Like a Lamb |
Tribulation Protection: The Blood of the Lamb |
Scripture Alone? Is Half of the Story Sufficient? |
Has Matthew 24:14 Been Realized? 'Definitely Yes' |
To the Refuges on Wings of Eagles |
Must the Reconstruction of the |
The Abomination of Desolation |
The Era of Peace |
The Original Prayer to St. Michael |
Mary, Queen and Queen Mother |
How to Identify the Antichrist |
The Whore of |
The Mark of the Beast |
Upon This Rock |
of this secret society have been established in every region. Nevertheless, in
various ways they more or less openly promote one and the same thing. In their plan,
they use many and various kinds of societies which, under their leadership,
promote neglect of divine things and the breakdown of morality. This is because
the Freemasons follow this principle
above all: 'Catholicism can be overcome not by logical argument but by
corrupted morals'. And so they overwhelm the souls of men with the kind of
literature and arts that will most easily destroy the sense of chaste morals,
and they foster sordid lifestyles in all phases of human life. As a result, the
once strong characters of men are weakened, families are broken up by
guilt-laden hearts, and an unhealthy sorrowfulness continues to grow. When such
persons are unable to shake off the miserable yoke they carry, they avoid the
Church and even rise up against her."
St. Maximillian Kolbe
"I will protect My Faithful Remnant !"
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