How to Identify the
"Guard thyself
then, O man; thou hast the signs of Antichrist; and remember them not only
thyself, but impart them also freely to all. If thou hast a child according to the
flesh, admonish him of this now; if thou hast begotten one through catechizing,
put him also on his guard, lest he receive the false one as the True. For the
mystery of iniquity doth already work. I fear these wars of the nations; I fear
the schisms of the Churches; I fear the mutual hatred of the brethren. But
enough on this subject; only God forbid that it should be fulfilled in our
days; nevertheless, let us be on our guard."
St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Father of the Church; Lecture XV
The following
is a compilation of certain public and private prophecies in respect of
definitive characteristics of the Antichrist. While the list is not
comprehensive, it should be most helpful in identifying the Evil Incarnate, Man
of Perdition. Refer to the corresponding footnotes which follow.
What Have We Been Told About the
has been predicted that the Antichrist: (a) will be a lawless man of perdition;
(b) who will deny that Jesus is the Christ; (c) utter blasphemous words; (d)
the number of the Antichrist is 666; (e)
he is living in England at this time; (f) he will declare himself with a
different name than we knew him by previously; (g) we have seen his public
relations man already; (h) the Antichrist will create signs and wonders; (i) he will be an Arabic, Muslim religious leader; (j) will
go to Egypt to be anointed by occult priests in a publicized ceremony; (k) will
come out of Egypt; (l) will be a man of false peace; (m) will broker a false
peace among the Arabs and Jews (and others); (n) there will be two such false peaces; (o) the Warning will signal the beginning of the
Antichrist coming to power; (p) he will control the Revived Roman Empire; (q)
i.e., the European Union; (r) rule the world; (s) rule from Rome; (t) for less
than 3 1/2 years; (u) will sit in the Catholic Church and declare himself god;
(v) will abolish the daily sacrifice and oblation (The Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass); (w) do not look at a picture of his face nor listen to his voice as he
will have demonic powers from Hell to hypnotize people, or via subliminal
messages contained in television broadcasts or computer monitors to affect our
subconscious minds to worship him; (x) we must discard our television sets,
computer monitors (screens), radios, newspapers and magazines; (y) we must
discard certain electronic equipment (e.g., cell phones, pagers, pda’s, smart cards, EZ tag toll
passes, GPS units, satellite dishes, household appliances containing a chip,
etc.) as he and his people can track us via satellites; (z) we must do this
after the Warning; (aa) we must discard all electrical communication devices in
our homes after the Warning as he can monitor us (e.g., telephones, cable
television, high definition televisions sets, fax machines, emails over the
Internet); (bb) we must discard all newspapers and the above mentioned
electrical devices before the Warning also if we see one claiming to be the
Christ, hear evil things on the radio, or see pictures or quotations from the
Antichrist in the newspapers; (cc) late
model automobiles after 1984 have the chip in their electronic ignition systems
and can be tracked; (dd) the Antichrist will force
people to accept the Mark of the Beast (the subdermal microchip); (ee) the Mark of the Beast will control your minds; (ff) he will persecute Christians; (gg) those who make the
consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be fully-protected; (hh) the Antichrist’s reign will be short, and Our Lord will
end it with His comet of chastisement striking the Atlantic Ocean; (ii) which
will cause the 3 days of darkness while the armies are gathered at Armageddon
and end the Antichrist’s reign; (jj) then, Our Lord
will purify the Earth and setup His Era of Peace with the new Heaven and the
new Earth.
"But this aforesaid Antichrist is to come when the times of
the Roman empire shall have been fulfilled, and the
end of the world is now drawing near. There shall rise up together ten kings of
the Romans, reigning in different parts perhaps, but all about the same time;
and after these an eleventh, the Antichrist, who by his magical craft shall
seize upon the Roman power; and of the kings who reigned before him, three he
shall humble, and the remaining seven he shall keep in subjection to himself.
At first indeed he will put on a show of mildness (as though he were a learned
and discreet person), and of soberness and benevolence: and by the lying signs
and wonders of his magical deceit having beguiled the Jews, as though he were
the expected Christ, he shall afterwards be characterized by all kinds of
crimes of inhumanity and lawlessness, so as to outdo all unrighteous and
ungodly men who have gone before him displaying against all men, but especially
against us Christians, a spirit murderous and most cruel, merciless and crafty.
And after perpetrating such things for three years and six months only, he
shall be destroyed by the glorious second advent from heaven of the
only-begotten Son of God, our Lord and Savior Jesus, the true Christ, who shall
slay Antichrist with the breath of His mouth, and shall deliver him over to the
fire of hell.". (St.
Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem and Father of the Church; Lecture XV;
315-386 A.D.).
"Antichrist is,
therefore, as we said, the offspring of fornication and is nurtured in secret,
and on a sudden he rises up and rebels and assumes rule. And in the beginning
of his rule, or rather tyranny, he assumes the role of sanctity. But when he
becomes master he persecutes the Church of God and displays all his wickedness.
But he will come with signs and lying wonders, fictitious and not real, and he
will deceive and lead away from the living God those whose mind rests on an
unsound and unstable foundation, so that even the elect shall, if it be
possible, be made to stumble." . (St. John
Damascene, Doctor of the Church; An
Exposition of the Orthodox Faith IV Ch. XXVI; Born 676 A.D.).
Jesus said: "My people,
this vision of a setting sun is another example representing the end
times which you are living in. I have told you that many will see My coming in glory in your lifetime which is a real message
of hope and not despair. You are seeing many signs in the sky and on the ground
that war appears imminent between the Moslems and the Christians. It is not by
accident that I showed you the Antichrist as an Arab and a
religious leader... Many have been pointing out to you that the Moslem religion does
have militant meaning in its roots. When I came into the world, I have taught a
message of love, but many refuse My message to
preserve their own traditions. I have given you the full truth about Myself and the Trinity, and all other religions contain only
elements of the truth. Those religions, who preach hate and domination as the
only option, are being misled by the evil one. Be thankful, My
faithful, that you have been blessed with knowing Me, but you must still love
everyone, even those who are hostile to you." (Message
to John Leary on October 5, 2001- yet-to-be-approved by the Church)
Jesus said: "My people,
this vision is a god of the dark side with its source rooted in Egypt.
Just as I came out of Egypt to go back to Israel, so the Antichrist will come
out of Egypt. on his road to his public ministry that was intended for three or
more years. I will shorten this time of trial for the sake of My elect, but be aware of this evil one who soon will be
announcing his coming into power. Evil will have its reign for a short time,
but you can call on Me for protection. It is to avoid
the influence of the Antichrist's demonic powers that I am having My angels guide you to places of refuge for protection.
These evil ones will want to kill My faithful to
eliminate My Church on earth, but the gates of hell will not prevail over My
remnant Church. Trust in Me during this age of
apostasy because your salvation and protection depend on Me only. Rejoice that
when you see the Antichrist announce his reign, then
know that My victory over all evil is near. It is like Scripture says, you will not travel through the towns of Israel before
I will come in glory." (Mt 10:23) …. (Message
to John Leary on October 3, 2001- yet-to-be-approved by the Church)
Jesus said: "My people, this vision of Egyptian gods of the occult is where the Antichrist will visit
to get his blessing just as the prophets were
anointed by My holy people. Everything that I
did and represented will be mocked by the evil one whom I will allow to declare
himself as ruler of the world at the proper hour. Thus the Antichrist
will come out of Egypt as a man of peace just as I came from there, but I did
not seek these occult gods."
Jesus said: "My people, it will be by My
authority that the hour of the Antichrist will be announced and I will allow
his brief reign. This beast will be working with the one world people to
gain gradual control of all of the government unions that govern each corner of
the earth. He will come at first as a man of peace, but he will soon
become a tyrant leader as he will replace all of the leaders of the nations
with his own people. When you see this declaration and
enthronement, My faithful should be at My refuges or
on their way to one. Fear not these evil ones for I will soon come in
victory to defeat them." (Mt
2:13-20 and Hos 11:1)…. (Message to John Leary on April 26, 2007 - yet-to-be-approved by the
Jesus said: "My people, this is an ominous sign of the old gods of Egypt
that represented the occult worship of the demons. I have given you a word that
the Antichrist would go to Egypt to be
anointed by the occult priests of these old gods. This ceremony will receive great acclaim among
the one world people who are supporting the Antichrist and will bring him into
power in the European Union. The open jaws of this crocodile mean that this
event could happen soon as the Antichrist is anxious to devour as many souls as
he can with his demonic powers through his eyes. I have told you to not look at
him because of his powers to mesmerize people to worship him. Do not have fear
of this evil one for My power is greater and the
Antichrist's reign will be brief, but this hour of darkness is about to spread
all over the earth. This is why My faithful will need
to seek out My refuges of protection with My angels so you will not be killed
or persecuted by these evil ones. Have patience but awhile and I will soon come
in victory to defeat them and bring about My Era of Peace. " (Message to John Leary on August
23, 2007- yet-to-be-approved by the Church)
Jesus said: "My
people, this empty chair with Egyptian markings on it represents the chair of
power for the Antichrist. He will be going to Egypt to be anointed by the high priest of
Satan. He will be put in charge of the European Union
and he will have his
brief reign before I will bring his power to a close with My Comet of
Chastisement. Do not have any fear of the
evil ones, for I will protect you from being persecuted when you are made
invisible. Trust in Me and you will soon see My
victory once you see the Antichrist taking his seat of power. " (Message to
John Leary on April 24, 2008- yet-to-be-approved by the Church)
Our Lady said: "… But what is its
--- In the thirteenth chapter of the Apocalypse, it is written, "This
calls for wisdom. Let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast:
it represents a human name. And the number in question is 666 (six hundred and
sixty-six)." (Rv 13:18). With intelligence,
illumined by the light of divine wisdom, one can succeed in deciphering from
the number, 666, the name of a man and this name, indicated by such a number,
is that of the Antichrist.
Lucifer, the ancient serpent, the devil or Satan, the Red Dragon, becomes, in
these last times, the Antichrist. The Apostle John already affirmed that
whoever denies that Jesus Christ is God, that person is the Antichrist. The
statue or idol, built in honor of the Beast to be adored by all men, is the
Calculate now its number, 666, to understand how it indicates the name of a
man. The number, 333, indicates the divinity. Lucifer rebels against God
through pride, because he wants to put himself above God. 333 is the number
which indicates the mystery of God. He who wants to put himself above God bears
the sign, 666, and consequently this number indicates the..name of Lucifer, Satan,..that is to say, of him who sets
himself against Christ, of the Antichrist…" …… (Excerpt
of Our Lady's message to Fr. Stefano Gobbi #407 entitled: "The Number
of the Beast: 666" and dated June 17, 1989. (33) For the complete
message see Recommended Reading below.)
The Number of His Name
“…This calls for wisdom: let him who has
understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its
number is six hundred and sixty-six.” (Rv 13:18)
Certain of the ancients assigned number values to the letters of their
alphabets. The Apocalypse of John (it’s official
title) was written in Greek by St. John (a Jew), while on the island of Patmos
(a Roman Province). An interesting
question arises in attempting to decipher the riddle of Rv 13:18: Does one use the Hebrew numbering system,
as St. John was a Jew; the Latin numbering system, as he was in a Roman
Province during its writing; or the Greek numbering system, as the book was
written in Greek?
We submit that as Revelation was
written in Greek, it would follow contextually that the Greek numbering system
should be used in testing the names of End Times personages. We would add that one should analyze their
names not only in their native language, but in the Greek equivalent,
also. That is to say, that the Greek form of
personal names is very important. Lastly, as we discussed in
length in Upon This Rock, the changing of names
indicates an elevation in authority.
Accordingly, it would follow that we analyze their birth names, as well
as their names after such changes.
The Isopsephia
In the LINKS section of the Yahoo Era of Peace site refer to the section entitled: ‘Antichrist’ for current information on the Antichrist as it develops. |
With respect
to the following footnotes :
JL |
=.. John Leary (yet-to-be-approved) |
=.. Louise Starr Tomkiel (yet-to-be-approved) |
Dates of the prophecies are presented in the following format: Month/Day/Year (e.g. 051703 is May 17, 2003) |
(a) |
2 Thes 2:3-10. |
(b) |
1 Jn 2:22 |
(c) |
Dn 11:36-38; Rv 13:5-6 |
(d) |
Rv 13:18 |
(e) |
JL 111209 |
(f) |
JL 051712. |
(g) |
JL 111209; 051712 |
(h) |
Mt 24:23-28; 2 Thes
2:8-10; JL 041902; 053102; 020410; 091910; 020612;
020912; 051712 |
(i) |
JL 030601; 100501; 040402;
031004; 082504; 033006; 080806; 120509; 021811; 051712). |
(j) |
JL 042607; 082307; 042408 |
(k) |
JL 100301; 042607; 082307;
042408. NB: The Antichrist will attempt to deceive all
by aping Jesus Christ. Refer to Hos
11:1; Mt 2:13-20 |
(l) |
Dn 8:17-26, 9:27; 1 Thes
5:1-3; Dn 11; Is 28:15-19 |
(m) |
Is 28:15-19; Dn 9:27; 1
Thes 5:1-3; Dn 11 |
(n) |
Our Lady of All Nations
083047 (approved by the Church) (NB: The Oslo Peace Accord of September 13,
1993 was the first.) |
(o) |
JL 111900; 090304; 031205;
042005; 012208; 022108; 040908; 080508; 111808; 121109; 010110; 051010;
100611; 112211 |
(p) |
Dn 2:33; St. Cyril of
Jerusalem |
(q) |
JL 030601; 101002; 010404;
060905; 031106; 082307; 120107; 042408; 050209; 111209; 072210; 093010;
122910; 080511 |
(r) |
Dn 7:19-25; Rv 13:3-8; JL 040699; 062599; 030601; 030901; 032804; 011306;
082906; 111506; 112006; 011807; 021507; 042607; 120107; 020708; 041608;
051712 |
(s) |
(t) |
Dn 7:19-25; 9:27; Dn 12;
Rv 11:1-2; Rv 12; Rv 13:5; Mt 24:22; JL 031704;
090205; 111808; 033109 |
(u) |
Dn 11:36-45; The
Abomination of Desolation. |
(v) |
Abomination of Desolation; Dn 9:26-27; 11:31; 12:9-12; Mt 25:15 |
(w) |
JL 010201; 010601; 041902;
061002; 020303; 051003; 052803; 070103; 100903; 111303; 031004; 083004;
060905; 090806; 082307; 102707; 030309; 121109; 020410; 100510; 010212;
032912; The
Mark of the Beast – The Subdermal Microchip. |
(x) |
JL 041902; 061002; 051003;
052803; 083004; 101207; 100510; The
Mark of the Beast – The Subdermal Microchip |
(y) |
JL 013100; 061400; 081700;
090200; 110300; 050501; 051002; 041503; 051003; 052803; 011504; 121109;
100510; 010212; 032912; (NB: late
model automobiles after 1984 have
chips in their computers); The
Mark of the Beast – The Subdermal Microchip. |
(z) |
JL 053002; 052803; 083004;
101207; 012208; 041608; 121109; 100510; 020311; The
Mark of the Beast – The Subdermal Microchip. |
(aa) |
JL 061400; 081700; 090200;
050501; 041102; 041902; 111302; 052803; 011504; 021804; 011504; 022704;
083004; 011405; 122305; 010706; 020306; 020906; 081006; 092206; 020707;
011608; 012908; LST
072800; 021708. |
(bb) |
JL 083004; 010212 |
(cc) |
JL 090200; 112404; The
Mark of the Beast – The Subdermal Microchip. |
(dd) |
Rv 13:16-17, 14:9-11; Is
24:16-18; JL 080499; 102499; 042501; 050501;
091201; 091701; 091801; 092001; 092801; 050202; 041503; 093010; LST 072503; 080803; 060905; The
Mark of the Beast – The Subdermal Microchip. |
(ee) |
JL 010201; 010601; 050202;
082202; 091002; 022203; 041503; 121604; 011505; 050906; 051006; 052406;
082906; 083106; 090806; 100306; 100706; 021807; 042307; 050307; 052108;
070208; 100608; 013009; 060409; 111209; 072511; 121611; 010512; LST
100506; The
Mark of the Beast – The Subdermal Microchip. |
(ff) |
Dn 7:7-28, 8:17-26,
9:24-27, 11:31-33; Rv 13:7-17, 16:6, 17:6, 18:24, 20:4; St. Cyril of
Jerusalem; St. John Damascene; St. Irenaeus and other Fathers and Doctors; JL 060905 |
(gg) |
Prayers of
Consecration and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; To the
Refuges on Wings of Eagles. |
(hh) |
Rv 18:21-23; Dn 2:45; Rv
12; Mt 24:22; Dn 12; Dn 8:25; JL 011499; 020199;
050699; 081999; 092899; 112399; 110900; 032901; 061402; 041303; 031704;
050304; 070305; 063007; 091407; 041608; 042408; 112209; 093010; 111210;
010811; 031111; 121911. |
(ii) |
Rv 16:10-16; JL 020199; 072099;
082499; 092299; 041300; 080901; 041303; 112803; 070305; 110605; 120205;
020206; 040107; 112908; 093010; 121911. |
(jj) |
Lord knows how to rescue the Godly from trial, and to
keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment"
Pt 2:9)
"At that
time there shall arise Michael, the great prince,
guardian of your people…"
(Dn 12:1)
"St. Michael, the archangel,
defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the
devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou O' prince of the Heavenly
Host, by the power of God cast into hell, Satan and the evil spirits, who roam
the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."
with the grace of God
By Ben J. Verdina, December 2008 (Edited: September, 2016)
An Act of Consecration to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary
I, (your name), a
faithless sinner-- renew and ratify today in thy hands, O Immaculate Mother,
the vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps
and works; and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to
carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithful to
Him than I have ever been before.
In the presence of
all the heavenly court I choose thee this day, for my Mother and Mistress. I
deliver and consecrate to thee, as thy slave, my body and soul, my goods, both
interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good actions, past, present
and future; leaving to thee the entire and full right of disposing of me, and
all that belongs to me, without exception, according to thy good pleasure, for
the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity. Amen.
An Act of Consecration to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Most Sacred
Heart of Jesus, Abyss of Mercy and Source of every grace and blessing, I consecrate
and unite myself to You without exception or reserve -
all that I am and all that I have, both temporal and spiritual, past present
and future, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Mother.
I leave myself entirely at Your disposal with complete
confidence in Your Mercy and Love and I beg You to look upon this offering of
my nothingness before You and to use me for Your own glory, for the honor of
Your Mother and for the salvation of souls. Help me to seek You
alone in all things. Hide me in the shelter of Your Most Sacred Heart and be my
only Consolation and Refuge.
Grant me the graces I need to joyfully accept Your Cross daily, to lead a holy
life and to die a holy death in Your service. Help me
to trust completely in Your Mercy and Love and never to fear to humbly throw
myself before the infinite Ocean of mercy which is Your Most Sacred Heart,
especially at those times when I may fail in my faithfulness in Your service. Through this weak and miserable instrument,
may Your Mercy, Love, glory and power shine forth.
Above all, set my poor heart on fire with the Flame of Love which burns in Your
Most Sacred Heart, and teach me how to return love for Love. Most Sacred Heart
of Jesus, have mercy on me - for I place all my trust in You.
How To
Save Your Children
During one of the cenacles which Fr. Gobbi held in the United States, he was urged by many concerned people to ask Our Lady specifically what could be done to save the youth from the seductions of the world which were leading many of them astray and causing them to leave the Church. Our Lady gave Fr. Gobbi this definite and final solution to console the parents who are so concerned about the salvation of their children:
Pray the Rosary ! |
Every time you pray the Rosary say: "With this Rosary I bind all my children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.". |
In doing so, Our Lady promised "to see to their souls.". |
Through several private prophecies, yet-to-be-approved, we have
been told that St. Joseph has been given extended power during these End Times.
Remember that Our Heavenly Father thought enough of him to have him protect His Incarnate Son, and Our Blessed Mother.
The Memorare
Remember, O
most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your
protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To
you I come; before you I stand sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word
Incarnate! Despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me.
Recommended Reading
For additional
information on this and related topics, we recommend you read the following:
Map of the Middle East
Yahoo - Era of
Peace Site - Under the LINKS section :
See: The Antichist |
Contains current information on the Antichrist as it develops |
We respectfully recognize and accept
the final authority regarding apparitions, locutions and prophecies presently
being reported around the world rests with the Holy See and the Magisterium of
Holy Mother Church to whose judgment we humbly and obediently submit.
For Additional Information On This and Related Topics Go To:
. .
To subscribe to the Yahoo Era-Of-Peace group send an email to: |
This writing is available on the
Internet at
Also, read the following writings posted at the above mentioned
web site:
Iniquity With Divine Retribution at the Dawn of the Era of Peace
– A Summary Guide to the Tribulation |
After The Warning |
Tribulation Update |
Thank You For Having Responded To My Call |
Sky Signs |
Ben's Calling |
The Statues of Our Lady Are Crying For Our Help |
Prayers of Consecration & Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Heaven and Earth Are Uniting – Fr. Gobbi |
Ave Maria: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate |
Supreme Authority of the Pope Until Death or Abdication |
The Myth of the Pre-Tribulational Rapture |
To Protect the Faith |
Both Faith and Good Works Required |
The Catechism and the "Term" Coredemptrix |
Ecclesiastical Masonry: The Beast Like a Lamb |
Tribulation Protection: The Blood of the Lamb |
Scripture Alone? Is Half of the Story Sufficient? |
Has Matthew 24:14 Been Realized? 'Definitely Yes' |
To the Refuges on Wings of Eagles |
Must the Reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem Precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? |
The Abomination of Desolation |
The Era of Peace |
The Original Prayer to St. Michael |
Mary, Queen and Queen Mother |
How to Identify the Antichrist |
The Whore of Babylon |
The Mark of the Beast |
Upon This Rock |
The Gates of Hell could not
prevail against Him while He was on Earth, and
will not prevail against His Church either. We have His word on it !
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